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Random crashes possible mod conflict ?


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Hi there I experience random crashes sometimes after entering a new area sometimes while being in the same area for minutes or hours.


Its a ctd without any error message.Its definitely not annoying but I wonder whats causing it.


Even more seldom but still sometimes it freezes too (exe not reacting anymore).


Heres my nmm mod compilation and esp order.Im using vibrant enb (0.113)


Is there a log file being created by skyrim to look for error codes ?


I heard boss or wyre bash can be used do determine those conflicts ? is that true and how do I use them ?


specs: http://www.sysprofile.de/id117229





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The crashes happen again.Its definitely related to a certain area as they only occur when Im passing through this area.its between the sawmill east of whiterun and the big bandit tower fotress east of skyrim.


Anyone knows an alternative to wars in skyrim or has a workaround ?


Ive run boss but no conflicts detected.






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Hey, just a quick one.Your crashes are caused by the WIS mod it self. Once a character reaches level 30+ more enemies and tougher enemies will spawn and you will start to have crashes. The more you play the more enemies will spawn to the extend that your game won't be able to handle the spawning process.


The crashes are caused by the WIS 4 mod. For the moment I would recommend use the ASIS and wait for updates on WIS 5 :)

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I would make a clean save inside and then wait for 10 days for areas to respawn before you install ASIS.



Thats what I did and it didnt crash till I reached this area i tried entering a cave waiting some more hours but it didnt help.As soon as I reach Karthvasten it crashes.


The same happens when I approach the fortress to the east of the marked circle.





this is how I made the clean save





boss log:











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Are you still using the SOS?

That is buggy my friend, that is why it is hidden.


Couple of recommendations:

Manually change the order of couple of mods.

Right after the USKP put the Smithing fixes and overhauls.

Change the Realistic Lighting mods to Project Reality If you have that due to a ENB I would recommend to try the Vibrant ENB which works magically with the latest ENB patch .0117 or later

Try to disable the ASIS encounter zones and see what will happen

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