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Random crashes possible mod conflict ?


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Unfortunately yes.


In addition I removed the realistic lightning esps and changed to vibrant enb but that didnt change anything.


When I remove the asis encounter zones esp my game freezes.I traveled to a smal dungeon made a save


removed asis ecounter zones.esp reloaded the game and it still crashed.


I try to deactivate realistic rag doll as well.


Edit:nah that also didnt change anything.


Even had BOSS resorting the esps.Im really out of ideas for now,


Maybe I uninstall and reinstall the game with all the mods.

Edited by DiaBLoW666
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So you have WIS disabled/removed now...


Try waiting 30 days inside that dungeon. Your Unofficial skyrim patch is out of date as well, its up to 1.1 now, try updating that...


The 2 add-on quests u have installed... are you sure they are compatible with each other?

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I think I already updated u skyrim patch as files dates were 4.august.still downloaded again and overwrote it.


The addon quests are installed since a long time and didnt cause any problems.Im using asis instead of wars in skyrim now.


so you reccomend another clean save and 30 waiting time before reinstalling asis ?

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just did that.felt like a time machine ^^


now I reinstall asis without encounter zones.




Its even crashing without ASIS being installed.I think I will reinstall skyrim and all my mods and start a new game.

Edited by DiaBLoW666
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