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toggle on/off bows, shields, and spells


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So, my mouse is sort of broken. A lot of the time, when I'm holding down the mouse button to bring up a shield, aim with a bow or do a spell, I'll sometimes suddenly just 'stop' doing that.

The problem with my mouse is that (due to the littles at my house), the buttons are somewhat broken, and only sometimes the computer can tell that I'm still holding down the mouse button. Other mice work, but then the littles broke THAT one.

So, I'd like if there could be a mod that allows you to effectively 'toggle' using the bow, the shield and magic.

Here's how it would theoretically work:


Magic - Press the left/right mouse button and the equipped spell will constantly be used until you either run out of mana or you press the button a second time.

If you press the left and right button at the same time, then it will work similarly but to stop the flow of magic you need to press both again.


Bow - Either the left or right button to bring up the bow as normal. Right click keeps up the full of zoom aim as normal. Hold left to pull back the arrow and press left again to release the arrow.

Right click when an arrow is drawn to stop from shooting the arrow when it's pulled back.

EDIT: Oh ya, forgot you can just press 'r' to stop shooting.


Shield - This one is the simplest. Press the button to bring up the shield and it'll stay up till you take it down.


If anyone does this I'll be incredibly thankful!

If only I knew how to code this myself :sad:


P.S. I may have labelled some of the buttons incorrectly on the bow one. I haven't use that in a while due to the mouse.

Edited by redxlaser15
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