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better uniques & artifact


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Is there any mod that improves unique items and artifacts?


Smithing and dual enchanting sure makes ordinary ebony weapons stronger than any artifact obtained 10 levels ago,


but that's not the only problem; artifacts just sucks...


For instance, best nightingale gloves I can get gives 25% improvement in lockpicking & one-hand weapon,


and what is the difference between them and glass gauntlets with dual enchantment?


Is there any mod that makes unique items... well, "unique"?

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There's several mods out there that make them more powerful. So much more powerful that they'll be the best weapon you'll ever find.

Link: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/searchresults/?name=artifact&order=DESC&orderby=date&page=1


There's also several mods that add artifact from morrowind to skyrim. Like InsanitySorrow's mods:


Highly recommended! :thumbsup:


And PrivateEye also ahs some cool new artifacts:



Hope these links help you out a bit further :)



Lol, forgot to mention i've got some artifact mods myself :laugh:

Just check my sig =)

Edited by Urwy
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There's several mods out there that make them more powerful. So much more powerful that they'll be the best weapon you'll ever find.

Link: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/searchresults/?name=artifact&order=DESC&orderby=date&page=1


There's also several mods that add artifact from morrowind to skyrim. Like InsanitySorrow's mods:


Highly recommended! :thumbsup:


And PrivateEye also ahs some cool new artifacts:



Hope these links help you out a bit further :)



Great! Thanks.


Yet I see that most of the mods modify daedric artifacts and weapons only...


Is there any that changes armors and rings/necklaces too?

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