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Old i3 performed better than new i5 750


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Well heres the deal. I had an old first gen i3 ghz 2.66. This cpu was having difficulities handling skyrim (as i expected, it having only 2 relatively slow cores on it) so I went out and bought a better i5 750 GHz 2.8. This being a much better cpu I was expecting a performance boost, instead what i got was a huge performance drop. When i started the game with the i3 i used to get set to high or even ultra settings by the launcher now with the better i5 im getting set to medium settings. I dont know what it could be, ive uninstalled and reinstalled skyrim, uninstalled and reinstalled vga drivers and made sure all my settings are the same as before. Its especially strange because my other games are running much smoother, even windows recognizes my cpu is better than the last, it's just skyrim thats being wierd like this. Hopefully someone can help me, thanks for your time.



Gpu: Gigabyte HD 6950 1gb gddr5

cpu: i5 750 GHz 2.8

memory: 2x4 I think 1333 Mhz


Also note I am playing a modded skyrim, including texture mods and other graphic enhancing mods.




A Quality world map v8.0

Acquisitive soul gems v2.1

Balanced magic v1.30

Bandolier bags and pouches v1.101

Better fast travel carriages and ships v1.50

build your own home v 1.71

categorized favorites menu 0.1.15

City forest and landscape V2.6

Claralux more and brighter lights v2A

Convenient horses v3.3

Deadly Dragons v4.5

Expanded towns and villages v 3.3

FCRessurect v3

Follower trap safety v1.1

immersive armors v4

immersive hud v1.6.2

improved npc clothing v1.8

increased bounty reward v1.0

Jaysus swords v13D

lush grass v1.4.1

Lush trees vurts compatibility v1.3

lush trees v1.3

moon path to elsweyr v95 beta

open and unlock spells v1.2

project reality climates of tamriel v1.1b

Redefined dungeons WIP v1.0

Robed steel plate armor v 1.0.2

Skyrim flora overhaul Vurts skyrim flora overhaul hi-res version, v1.1.0

Skyrim 2k textures full (all 5 parts) v1.5

Sky UI v2.2

Staff of magnus absorb fix v1.1

Static mesh improvement mod v1.22

straight hair retexture v1.2

terrain bump retexture v1.4.5

True dragonblood shout cooldown reduction v1.0

Ufo, ultimate follower overhaul v1.2f

Vals crafting meltdown alpha 1.7a

W.A.T.E.R Water and terrain enhancement redux (high resolution version) v1.4c

Weapons and armor fixes v2.05

Winter is coming, Cloaks v2.0

XCE xenius character enhancement v1.13

Yuril bumpy cities pack v1



If you need any more information just ask.

Edited by darkhaven328
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