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Skyrim 1.7 released on Steam


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So Skyrim's 1.7 patch was released Monday morning. Anyone know where the version notes list is located?


How does this version affect mods? SKSE is complaining when I try to launch, hopefully that will be updated quickly.


Edit: I did find this on the 1.7 beta http://www.bethblog.com/2012/07/23/1-7-beta-update-available-on-steam/My link

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I think it may have messed up the quest dialogue in some way in my house mod. I can't initiate dialogue with the two quest NPCs that I have. I'll take a closer look at it tomorrow. I am hoping I don't have to recreate that quest like I had to recreate my custom races in the last patch. :psyduck:
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After looking at the patch notes I think this fix:


'Fixed rare issue with dialogue subtitles not displaying properly'


Might be causing my problem. I never had any issues with subtitles but I never recorded any audio to go with them. I suspect the new patch doesn't like dialogue without audio and is refusing to play. At least I hope that is the problem, now all I have to do is find my old microphone and test that theory.

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Well after being lazy and procrastinating I decided to check the forums to see if someone else found a solution. Thanks to DreamKingMods in this topic I learned that I could save the game while the mod was loaded and then load from that save in order to talk to my npc's just fine. Score one for simple solutions, procrastinating, DreamKingMods and talking to myself.
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