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Isn't skyrim supposed to be unleveled?


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If so then why the hell do mudcrabs still take away a whole eighth of my health when I'm level144?


(This is a serious question, not just a little rage.)


The question is I suppose, are there mods that are supposed to do this?


I can kill a Skeleton in a single hit when shapeshifted into a Sabercat, but then it takes a billion frigging hits to kill the Draugr Scourge three feet away from the six skeletons. I can kill said mudcrabs in two or one hits, but then they still deal 1/8th my health with every single hit, when they're nothing but darned mudcrabs! :psyduck:

Edited by Cipherthe3vil
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Some enemies are leveled. but not all of them like in TES IV: Oblivion.


It's a way to have some "balance" in the game. it would be a bit weird to kill even a dragon with just one hit or have everyone die just by walking near them wearing the "Ebony Mail".

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