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What is your favorite Hold, and why?


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Favourite hold: Whiterun. The plains .... freedom...


Least favourite Hold: Falkreath. It is pretty boring.


Favourite city: Markarth. Its awesome.


Least Favourite City: Winterhold Vanilla. Until I installed the improved winterhold ruins mod it was terrible.



Blackreach and Labyrinthian are probably my favourite tourist spots!

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Favourite hold is probably Falkreath!! hahah

Ranger character and I feel really at home in Falkreath, still exploring it though


least favourite is probably the Windhelm area, kinda boring not much to do


Markarth is cool as well though, but I tend to forget about it because its so far to the west so it remains largely unexplored for my character

I love witchunting!

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Favourite hold is definitely Whiterun, because of the mods i downloaded, the plains are always full of bandits, imperials and stormcloaks to kill. But in terms of city i would rather live in solitude, i just prefer the style of the buildings and not to mention proudspire is in my opinion the best player home available.


least favourite is winterhold, the place is just too barren for my liking.

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Favorite hold is hard, but after 300 hours of playing I will have to agree on The Reach, because it's huge, full of places to explore, and has the Forsworn which can still be quite dangerous on higher levels.


Least favorite hold is definitely the Rift, as it just feels so empty and boring. I think they could've filled it with thicker autumn forests alá Cyrodiil and more places of interest.



Favorite city has to be Falkreath, as I love the style of it and the characters who live there. Green and rainy!


Least favorite city is probably Morthal. There is just nothing there but a potion-store and cranky people! There should be an alternative choice in the vampire-quest there to help taking over the city and make it a blood-farm for vampires instead.

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Least favorite city is probably Morthal. There is just nothing there but a potion-store and cranky people! There should be an alternative choice in the vampire-quest there to help taking over the city and make it a blood-farm for vampires instead.


that's what i wanted to do too, i would turn that town into vamp food without a seond thought

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