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Not loading mod causes Save and any travel to CTD


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Hi all.

Got my nod 99% done and for testing purposes I unchecked it in Data Files Load to make a clean mod-free save. With the mod not loaded everytime I try a quicksave, hard save, move from cell to cell (doors), fast-travel and coc anywhere game crashes to desktop. CK is not running in the background. I left my New World cell by coc-ing out as it has no linked door back to Tamriel - yet, could this be a cause? Need this fixed as I can't publish it in the state it is now.


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Mods can sometimes corrupt a savegame such that the savegame is addicted to the mod and you can no longer play without it. Possible responses:


(1) Reinstall the mod that your savegame cannot live without.

(2) Play a different savegame that is not addicted.

(3) Start a new character.


So I recommend that you try testing your mod with some of your other characters. It may be that there is nothing really wrong with your mod and that users will not have any problems.


(The act of building a mod and testing it at many stages of completion can sometimes damage savegames.)

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Mods can sometimes corrupt a savegame such that the savegame is addicted to the mod and you can no longer play without it. Possible responses:


(1) Reinstall the mod that your savegame cannot live without.

(2) Play a different savegame that is not addicted.

(3) Start a new character.


So I recommend that you try testing your mod with some of your other characters. It may be that there is nothing really wrong with your mod and that users will not have any problems.


(The act of building a mod and testing it at many stages of completion can sometimes damage savegames.)


I have no savegames that are not connected to the mod. Start from scratch? A bit drastic isn't it? Is there a way to edit the savegame file?

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