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Inventory Management Mod: Sentient Bags [Mod Request]


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I think I've come up with an idea for a mod to help with inventory management.


Currently the only quick ways we have to move items at all are shift-click to move them to wares and the button to move all wares to the trade interface, so my idea is this:


Sentient bags. We can trade with one, "selling" it all our wares to fill it, and we can empty it in the usual one click manner. This would allow us to move items around in a relatively painless manner. It would take a little thought not to mess it up but the process would be only a few clicks longer in total than the shift clicks to assign items to wares.


E.g. You're almost overloaded and you have items already assigned to wares. You wish to transfer a bunch of items to a companion.

  1. Trade with a bag you use for wares
  2. "Sell" it your wares
  3. Shift click on the items you want to transfer
  4. Trade with a bag your companion holds
  5. Sell it all your wares for nothing
  6. If required your companion can then empty the bag with one click.


When you come to sell the stuff in your wares bag just sell the entire bag then buy back the bag itself , which will have automatically been emptied.


If anyone makes this I'd hope for bags in multiple colors. Random colors might be fun.

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