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There was a mod for FO3/FONV which allowed someone with both games installed to physically travel between The Capital Wasteland and New Vegas, eseentially translating the player between each. I was wondering if anyone knows if there are any teams working on a similar mod for Morrowind/Oblivion/Skyrim. I own all three games, and it would be fun to be able to travel between them. (Though it wouldn't make much logical sense of course; I suppose the Nerevarine could theoretically be the Hero of Kvatch, but also the Dovahkiin? Not likely. And crossing the mountains into Skyrim would involve time travel...) Edited by PharmakosChroster
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Bethesda takes a very harsh view of the M----------- Project. They required the Nexus to not host files for it or post links to sites involved with it. In this project, the people rebuilt Morrowind on the Oblivion game engine. It sounds like it was rather laggy, broken, and incomplete anyway. More satisfying to play the original Morrowind. Similar projects are now in the works with Skyrim, and I have rather low expectations for them, even if they were legal.
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Just to be clear, I'm not asking about the sort of mods to which you're referring, but rather a mod which stitches the games together internally. So when you cross over physically from Morrowind to Cyrodiil, you begin using the Oblivion executable but with your Morrowind character translated into the new system. So in order to play it, you need to own all the games to start with. It's nothing you couldn't do manually with the console. There's a mod which does it for FO3/FONV and I'm wondering if such a mod is being worked on for Morrowind/Oblivion/Skyrim.
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