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Unlocking gun script


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Hey, I'm trying to create a gun that can unlock doors and terminals, different guns for each but I don't know how I would script this with out putting every terminal or door in the game. Also only doors that can be picked no the ones that require keys.

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The general approach is to find something that does what you want and "borrow" the concept from how they did it. (Using their actual code without permission is "intellectual property theft" violation of copyright and can get your mod taken down and you banned. But only the "expression of the idea" in the form of the code is protected. Implementing the idea in your own code is permissible, though it's best to give credit to the original author for the concept.) It never hurts to ask for permission to use their code when necessary. Be sure to retain documentation of that permission when granted and include it in your mod description. Someone always notices.


There is a mod called Unlock That which uses a script to do what you want simply by hovering the cursor over a lock. There is another called Insta-hacker which similarly handles terminals. Both utilize a hidden "perk".


Doors that require a key always have a difficulty of 100 or greater.



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