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What's the best time to add and do these quests?


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I'm currently running 100+ plugins and after 8 hours of play I haven't had a single freeze-up or CTD.

The two plugins which effect my character's development are Francesco's and RealisticLeveling.


I 'd love to keep this stability as long as possible, so I'd like to hold off adding any major quest mods for awhile.

The ones I'm really interested in adding are: Bloodlines, Daggerfall: Cybiades, Gates to Aesgaard, Tears of the Fiend, The Lost Spires, and Malevolent.


Is there a "best level" for my character at which point each of these quests will be the most fun?


Or will it be just fine if I wait to (say level 20) until I add any of these quests?


Or maybe wait until I've finished the main storyline before adding them?


Also, would there be a best order in which to do these six extra quests?

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Lost Spires and Cybiades can be started any time. Lost Spires levels with you but has lots of fighting to do; Cybiades has higher-level baddies recommended for characters at higher levels. I would recommend waiting until level 15 or so to do either (higher level if you have less modded equipment or are a "balance" fiend).


At the very least, you can join the Archaeology Guild from the Spires at an early level and start collecting flawless gems for, well, that's a spoiler. ;)

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As far as stability, the number or size of mods doesn't truly matter unless you have a low end machine. Me? I'm currently running the max 255 mods, with 103 more mods merged into my bashed patch for a total of 358 not counting the various texture and animation mods . Problems? not really, except deciding what to do next.


From what I've gathered, there just isn't enough talk about quest mods on any of these forums. I love a good quest and don't really care about the "latest" "super awesome" weapon or armor mod.


I did the first part of Cybiades on about 5th level. I hadn't played it before. Didn't do me much harm. I haven't started the 2nd part to it yet though. Waiting to build up some.


Hoarfrost Castle is a "house mod" that's in reality a multiple quest mod that you can do at any level. I personally love it and feel that once the castle is truly mine, I earned it rather than just been given it.


I did GTAesgaard at about level 2 thru 4, it wasn't that bad.


Lost Spires is another that levels with you. I find it fun to do a bit, go do something else, then come back to it.

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Hmm I was going to wait till about L20 to do most of the Quest mods, as im only level 3 now and with FCOM it seems to take FOREVER to level up. Since you did them at L2-5 i might start some.


Lost Spires n GTAesgaard look good, also Thievery in IC n a few others. Thought I would be too low level to enjoy them fully tho.

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I'm currently running 100+ plugins and after 8 hours of play I haven't had a single freeze-up or CTD.

The two plugins which effect my character's development are Francesco's and RealisticLeveling.


I 'd love to keep this stability as long as possible, so I'd like to hold off adding any major quest mods for awhile.

The ones I'm really interested in adding are: Bloodlines, Daggerfall: Cybiades, Gates to Aesgaard, Tears of the Fiend, The Lost Spires, and Malevolent.


Is there a "best level" for my character at which point each of these quests will be the most fun?


Or will it be just fine if I wait to (say level 20) until I add any of these quests?


Or maybe wait until I've finished the main storyline before adding them?


Also, would there be a best order in which to do these six extra quests?


I've used all of the quest MODS you've mentioned directly from a fresh install and haven't had any problems. None of the ones mentioned are unstable. All are very high quality Quest MODS. I have had CTD when exiting game with Kvatch Rebuilt. So I tried Kvatch Aftermath and haven't had a problem. So I'd say go ahead and load them up and use FCOM helper for load order. I'm currently running many MODS and haven't had a problem with this load order:





Good luck.

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