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Start up after CTD issue


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Ok, been CTDing for several hours now...well obviously running on Win7. But after this last CTD it just plain will not start. I deleted everything in the mydoc/mygames/oblivion but the saves...no effect but did get one successful load after that but not since :/ I know all the saves and mods are good because the mods haven't been changed for several hours through countless CTDs. I've been activating and unactivating mods to see which one is causing it, but no success's. Even opening in CS to see, did find some dirty edits to fix. Created new Invalidated Archive txt and bsa. Tried running OBSE/Launcher/exe with admin, been doing that for awhile. Only thing that I had done differently on the last successful load was changing to WinXP compatibility, had some lag and turned that off...this is when boom, wont start. Even running with no mods, nothing helped yet.


=.= Sigh, running WryeBash screws the load order which doesn't help forcing to redo load order after running it.




After more playing around with Wyrebash, Boss, TES4edit, OBMM, NMM...got it starting up again. Guess something just got corrupt in that last CTD and something int hat fixed it. ....

Edited by shadowriath
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