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List of Awesome Mod Ideas


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Here are some unique ideas I had for a long time


Tragedy and Comedy mask = masks from theaters which can be worn with hats and helmets


Plague doctor mask = There is one but will be cool if there was another one but with a longer beak and can cover the chin


Scarecrow mask and hat = better way to farm crops (kill your enemies) with this neat (terrifying) worn sack with a farmers hat was made by burlap (souls of the cursed)


Necromancer puppet mask = will add unique masks to the game but with a twist...you put them on dead bodies and will reanimate forcing itself to be by your side like the zombie spell but each mask you use on them has a different effect like more damage or heals owner 50% more, but you can also make non enchanted masks so you can wear them if you really want to





Will post more here but I lost my list somewhere in my room so will try to find some ideas in my idea scrap book... hopefully if I find it


also if you do make one of these mods can you put me in the credits like IDEA FROM Vulthursil.



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Here some more


One Hand Sickle= A farmers tool with a hooked blade could be either steel or be black for daedric


Death has come for your soul= Spell summons death itself and will kill anyone that is attacking the caster but the attacker's body will disappear leaving a black soul gem with the type of soul the attacker had.


Staff of Plagues= adds a unique staff styled with the hourglass with wings which plague doctors had but 50% chance to poison target and 5% to insta kill

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Headless Horseman's Curse = The Headless Horseman has come for your head but he is more demonic now, Instead of steel plate armor he has daedric Armour with a black cape or ebony armor with a black cape. Comes also with 3 unique weapons which are a one handed sword, one handed axe, and a 2 handed great battle axe.


You are insane = Any killmove will make a laughing sound like a insane person

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Lord of the Dragon Priest's Crown = Adds a Unique custom mesh and texture crown that belonged to the Lord of the dragon priest's but you have to find and kill the All Mighty lich at a ancient temple guarded by high level dragur and skeletons but also there are unique skeleton liches carrying unique staves and after you kill the Lich not also you get the crown but some spells including a summon for the skeleton liches.


Shadow Demons = There is a outbreak of shadow demons in skyrim and you have to find who or what is causing them! The shadow demons look like humanoid shadows but with long claws and very many sharp teeth. After you defeat who or what is causing this [ Leaving it to the person who will make this since if they did the story I did here then It will be spoliers.] You will get a demonic staff or spell that summons the shadow demons at your will but you have to pick the staff or spell.


Nightmares In Skyrim = Someone has control of Vaermina's powers and is bringing everyone's nightmares to life but as the hero of the land you must stop it [Don't blame me your the hero not me] so venture into the nightmare realm and free Vaermina from the shackles of the spell and stop who is causing this [ enter your story here] after the quest you will get a nightmarish follower that can't die and a special power to bring one nightmare alive for one day but if you finish the daedric quest and choose to keep the staff you will be able to have 2 nightmare creatures and for 3 you have to do all daedric quests plus all daedric items.

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