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Smart gaming and more optional dialogue and optional ways


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What I'd like to see in future game programing is more smarter NPC, more dialogue with them then just 20 sentences, and to be able to have more ways of ending a quest and to be able to not have to join a faction and maybe even wipe them out all together!..



It's be nice to have NPC's with 1000 lines or more of dialogue or more and for them to be aware that they may be in there underwear or tell the courier to delivery to my safe house in whiterun, even they'll house delivery isn't done tell the 18th century :rolleyes:


I'd like companion's to have multiple combat skill's dual and to update there weapons and gear and improve there skill's etc without being told or given!,,


Way more out comes and endings and choices to a quest and game endings!..


I'd like to see the loot I sell to vendors actually be sold to others and worn by them and not the same drab dressed NPC day in and day out!..


I like more then 1000 lines of dialogue, because 10000 would require a 100 gb DDR ram and 100 gb video cards and a hell of a lot of power to, and one hell of a processor so these thing's I asked for wont be possible for 20 or more years!..


What do you think?

Edited by sinnerman69
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I forgot to mention for selling clothes to vendors, there would have to be a black market to sell the enemy's clothes back to them even the upgraded ones so next time you'd face a enemy they'd be more of a challenge to kill, so I guess enemy's would need to level up as well or be leveled with you as you go!..
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More dialogue? Fire the voice actors and you can have as much dialogue as you want, text-based dialogue is very cost-effective to produce.



Or, download the interesting NPC's mod, it has tons of new voiced npcs that are by and large interesting. it also has a good few non voiced ones but I've found they tend to be less interesting as they do break immersion (I like to play without subtitles).

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