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safe to combine monster mod with immersive armors?


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So I'm looking at installing a bunch of mods for the first time. Some of them from the steam workshop and some from the nexus. For the most part a lot of the mods don't overlap, but some alter the loot enemies drop. Monster mod alters actual enemies and I have a bunch of new item mods like Immersive Armor that add new items for enemies to drop. Will these work together?


Also does anyone know if Guide for the Perfect Blacksmith will interfere with new craft-able item mods?

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There will generally be no conflict between a monster mod and an armor mod. Most monsters don't drop armor as loot, but if they do, and if they use vanilla leveled lists that have been edited by the armor mod, then the custom monsters will drop custom armor.


If you install a mod that adds armor and has custom recipes for tempering and crafting it, then you will still be able to temper and craft it with a blacksmithing mod, unless it is a really wild blacksmithing mod that pretty much ruins everything but itself.

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