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Your Army ( oblvion)


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My army? Hmm


Company One: 50 female dark/mystic elf archers, in Black Luster

Company Two: 50 Male CC soldiers in Full Madness, with Claymores/Longsword + Shield

Company Three: 40 mixed gender Mages in Robes

Copany Four: 10 mixed gender assasins in Assasins Creed or Blackhand Robes

Company Five: 100 General purpose bow+sword troops in



Amber - Boots,arrows

Leader- me!


Base of ops: A castle in the mountains of bruma, soon to be made by me as a mod (with quests).


Plan:Take over akavir once and for all.........then instate myself as emperor. :biggrin:

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My army, which I actually have in Oblivion;


<The Crimson Vanguard>


Order of Elite knights, warriors(hybrids, archers etc.) & mages consisting of 25 members.


13 knights from which;

-3 are wearing Orcish set of armor and customized weapons varying from high-grade elven to ebony with 2-handed and 1-handed+shield variants.

-2 wearing high-grade Steel set of armor, with heavily enchanted daedric 2-handed weapons, due to the weight of the weapons they're only using the lighter steel as armor.

-2 wearing Ebony set of armor, with both of them using Daedric Warhammers enchanted with lightning.(Shock, misnamed imo.)

-3 wearing Daedric set of armor, with totally customized weapons, one using (2-handed)Frostmourne >replica<(keyword being replica, got to thank jojjo for the great work on this one.), stronger than daedric claymore, pales when compared to the 'real deal'. Second and third one are using the opposites of eachothers weapons, Deathbringer & 'Serenade', 1-handed swords with Deathbringer being enchanted to suck life away and 'Serenade' destroys the opponents armor & weapon and calms the target. Effectively disarming the opponent, stealing away the will to fight, instead of killing it.


7 warriors from which;

-4 are using Elven or Ebony suit of armor, with weapons varying from dwarven to ebony, daggers, swords & bows.

-2 are using high-grade Elven suits of armor with heavily enchanted daedric katana & daikatana.

<>Commander; Elraine, Vanquisher's Battlegear(customized/extremely heavily enchanted Noble Armor) with Skyshatter Daikatana as weapon, enchanted with powerful lightning & frost.


5 mages from which;

-2 are Master level Restoration mages with a little knack for Destruction.

-1 Expert Conjurer with Journeyman level knowledge of Destruction.

-1 Master Mysticism mage with Apprentice level knowledge of Conjuration

<>Vice-Commander; Ash Grave, Master level mage of Destruction, Restoration & Mysticism. Also knows how to fight in Hand-to-Hand combat and move in Light Armor. Uses customized set of Mihtril armor.


And finally, my character;

<(Guild Leader)>Supreme Commander; Lilah


1-handed heavily customized Frostmourne, no shield as shifts from one-handed to two-handed fighting style occasionally. Uses Conqueror's Battlegear.(Modified and heavily enchanted version of Tona's WhiteSquall armor, for example, 100% immunity to normal weapons, scales on higher levels with daedric weapons and guards always using silver. You'll catch the drift.)

Master of; Destruction, Restoration, Blade, Block, Heavy Armor, Armorer, Acrobatics, Athletics and Speechcraft.(First seven ones said being the major skills.)


With this army of impending doom and making-the-city-guards-and-imperial-legion-veterans-look-like-clowns I watch over Skingrad(Rosethorn Hall converted to a guildhall.) and sell my services to those who need them and can afford to pay the bill. Fighter's Guild is for those who want a huge bunch of 'rabble' to fetch an old lady's cat down from the tree. Still won't take any illegal jobs and require a full background story, if not, you might notice yourself without help if something is discovered that wasn't told, but was known.



P.S. Now that I've wasted a long time to get even to this detailed post, I'll have to edit and make corrections to this once I get home, since I can't remember all the details. xD

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A mixed division of nords and orcs as well as other individuals to blend in and act as runners and spies. We would fortify our position to the north and run a kibbutz type labour community of fighters, farmers and smiths, living off the land and patrolling our borders for bandits and monsters. We would operate independantly from Imperial law (but not openly so) recognising the Empire, aiding it in need, but tending to our problems privately.


In secret we will be watching the council and preparing a coup should the now heirless empire dissolve into anarchy or the council become seeped in corruption. Our soldiers would be trained in seige, guerilla and city-fighting tactics. About 200 orcs and nords who are equal or just lower than my character (or any regular player character) would be able to easily hold out until we got word to similar cells in Solthseim and Orsinium.

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I sorta do have my own army in oblivion, It came with the battlehorn plugin. I mostly use them for practising my killing techniques as their pretty much useless when it comes to anything else..
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i didn't expect the topic to go off quickly haha


My army is a bit odd


my base would be Griffin Fortress ( by Mr Sika)


50 of them in Garrison duty

another 50 as Assaians send to weaken other peoples armies

the rest consists of Knights Archers spear man quite simple but effective


Sheppard & McKay


@ Conan its simply for showing off armies don't make me chase you with a sword again

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Well my army... :whistling:


It consists of 150 Master archers all Persian (With my persian race) Equipped in Light persian robes (Realeased in my armory for Persian race) and Silver Bows PLUS 50 Heavy Persian Immortals Wearing Royal Immortal armor ( :whistling: ). as well as 25 Magies (Persian Word Mage) all equipped with Destruction Staves and Wearing Amethistical Robes ( :wallbash:).


the main attacking Maneuver is called "Parthsan" (The word Partisan Comes From it).all melee soldiers Part into 2. changes the number of 50 to two 25 soldiers. one of them is sent to Either north or west of the enemy army another to South or east. crushing the enemy in 2 sides with low numbers. then the remaining soldiers get massacared by archers, killing any alive Human Being (Horse archers actually, due to stupid oblivion logic, they're normal archers here). that's How parthians Defeated (Massacared Actually) Roman Armies in Real history. using this 250 soldiers the armies of Rampaging Morrowind and Skyrim will be defeated and then the Imperial Soldiers will be Replaced by Immortals and so on....


their General is Shervin-Khan (My character Hehehe! ;D ) a level 43 Knight

their Commander is Artaxerxes (My Second Character :whistling:) a level 32 Battlemage

their Sergents are Classified Information (5) level 12 Crusaders


And the fortress.... :sweat:


We...well they haven't attacked yet to chose one! :yes:

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an army you say... it would be an army of adoring fan!

imagine: first battle against a rat, you see 250 adoring fan running away, the coward army!


no seriously, if i had an army probably it would be a well balanced army, with swordsman, archers and some mages too.

the only thing to do with an army is slaughter!

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250 what small number..... Army of Blue eyed, fair haired Nords. As I make most of my character good all around, able to fill all roles as the moment suit it.

100 in Pale_riders Paladin armor, gift of Kynareth shield, Swords, War axes, crossbow

100 in pale riders Dragon armor Dragon slayer sword( berserker sword) Massive 2 hander crossbow

48 in AlexScorpions Sneaking Gear

2 my generals in Dalls Back Baron armor with matching weaponry

Count Hassledor as an ally

Myself Pale_riders Paladin armor, jojjo Lich king helm and pauldron. Sword Frostmourne maybe the 1 hander as secondary weapon, my weapon of choice would be berserker sword.


Per issue would be to kick the Empire out of Skyrim, then make epic match onto capital, taking bruma on the way. Destroying the shrines to 9, bring Innos, and Adnos to the realm. Enslaving or slaugthering that stand before the might of Innos. Bravil would be raised, It would only be improvement... Could act more like Anglo Saxon and some viking killing off all males make sure Population becomes more like you. Enslave or slaughter most black mash, bravil would meet much the same fate.


Sent my 48 assassin into the arcane U to take of any mages in my way. Bruma with population more so nordic would more likely take up arms beside of me. Giving me the city, and command post as plot my conquest. Cloud ruler temple, the blades hmmm would to do... Burn them out, kill the heir...

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Cyrodiil is admittedly ripe for an invasion, but armies are overrated. Once you get one, everyone pays very close attention, and you're strong-armed into picking a side before long unless you have a really huge one. That and the upkeep is painful.


If he did have an army, my character would probably go for a good old-fashioned undead horde. Natural ones, none of that Necromancy crap. First point of order would be to smash all of the Bandit/Marauder/Necromancer dungeons to increase the size, then divide the army up across all of the now-uninhabited dungeons of Cyrodiil. If any of them are attacked, all the nearby Horde dungeons would provide aid, the result being that a lot of adventurers never come back. This would mean lots of aid and completely safe havens wherever I go, and since most of the other adventurers are dead, more quests. :D

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