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Your Army ( oblvion)


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  LoginToDownload said:
Humanbean: It seems to me you can either have "realistic" with food, housing (tenting/bedrolling, I guess), and upkeep required, or dependent on what the Oblivion engine can do. The two sort of contradict one-another in style...

And none of us were talking about cavalry. We've been turned off them forever due to its implementation in Oblivion. :P

Aside from that, that's *exactly* why I'm going with an undead horde. ;D


The numbers I quoted were for a small army of an independant fiefdom, capable of maintaining a defense of a small-medium keep, or putting down a rebellion in an average village. I didn't include cavalry due to Oblivion's engine, opting for hobilars instead... otherwise I'm a big fan of cav (I'm currently serving in 4th Battalion, 7th Cavalry Regiment).


Undead forces are relatively low-maintenance, not very effective during daylight hours, but non-corporeal undead are incredibly useful during sieges (how many people have the resources when building a castle to mix powdered silver, powdered lead, and gorgon's blood into the mortar to prevent ethereal intrusions?)


The biggest drawback of relying on undead troops is maintaining good diplomatic relations with one's neighbors and subject populations; peasants have a tendency to emigrate elsewhere when the local baron goes necromantic, and while zombies and skeletons are tireless laborers, they do a poor job of tending to fields and livestock.


So, the question now becomes one of collaboration... is this "private army" intended to maintain a separate fiefdom against all other attackers, or is it the local Lord's pledged troops to provide to the Empire when required?

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So, the question now becomes one of collaboration... is this "private army" intended to maintain a separate fiefdom against all other attackers, or is it the local Lord's pledged troops to provide to the Empire when required?


Well, that's why the thread is also asking what you'd do with them. I don't think undead are weakened by sunlight and ethereal beings can be blocked through gorgon's blood/lead/silver (Maybe just silver) in the TES universe, though. (Does Nirn even have Gorgons?) I don't entirely see why the support troops can't multitask a bit more. I doubt you'd need 15 dedicated artillerymen or 25 dedicated sappers for quashing rebellions and defending a keep.


Incidentally, you also included teamsters twice. :P

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  LoginToDownload said:
Well, that's why the thread is also asking what you'd do with them. I don't think undead are weakened by sunlight and ethereal beings can be blocked through gorgon's blood/lead/silver (Maybe just silver) in the TES universe, though. (Does Nirn even have Gorgons?) I don't entirely see why the support troops can't multitask a bit more. I doubt you'd need 15 dedicated artillerymen or 25 dedicated sappers for quashing rebellions and defending a keep.


Incidentally, you also included teamsters twice. :P


Then read my accounting on Teamsters twice, kartoffelkopf! :P


Targeting and operating a Trebuchet is a specialized skill, so a crew of five is reasonable per machine. 25 dedicated teamsters specifically for movement of the artillery and movement of ammo (it takes at-least six people to move 300-lb rocks for the ammo), and the other 40 teamsters are for general movement of supplies (tentage, foodstuffs, spare arrows, etc).


Like I said, the support elements can fight in a pinch, but are likely to only be clad in leather, maybe chainmail, at best, and carrying light weapons. Sappers and most of the teamsters would probably be reserve forces, only called up in the event of a siege campaign; otherwise, they're out tilling the fields.


I don't use undead troops, and I'm also not fool enough to expect every male in the kingdom to be physically strong enough to operate effectively in heavy armor. My numbers for an Army are based on a realistic worldview, not an assumption of 250 supermen and an unlimited budget for armor and weapons.

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"Every male in the kingdom" in most settings would be significantly more than 250 people. They don't all need to be able to wear heavy armor, and giving heavy armor to the archers is just slowing them down, unless they're well-outfitted and trained for melee.

It makes more sense now that I realize a decent chunk of the troops would be reserve and the idea is to use the army to protect a kingdom... :sweat:

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If I had such an Army I'd simply go into the Imperial City and Kill everyone and there would be a huge riot :D.

I actually do that by myself all the time when Im bored lol.


If it has to be in oblivion then I'd just turn god mode on, attack my own army and go to the nearest lava lake and go into it when they follow in and kill themselves :D. Lol.


Would be cool :).

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  Kresselack said:
Hmmmmm. I would use a basic army. Spearmen, archers, and man-at-arms. Dremora armies got a little.... overused.


what would you give them? you don't want them running around in the nude now do you? dezi would but that's another story



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100 Lightly armored Warriors. Blunt or Blade weapons of their own choice. According to Lore, most Nords own their own weapons and armor already, so whatever they bring.


50 Heavily armored defensive based Warriors, with Long swords and claymores.


50 Lightly Armored Archers.


50 Heavily armored "Healers". Warriors adapt in Restoration. At the rear line healing the wounded.


I would prefer Light armor users to have Mithril, Leather, Fur, or chainmail. With Mithril being my favorite.



Heavy armor users everything but Daedric.


I'd Prefer the weapons be anything but Daedric, Glass, and Elven.


I'd use them to conquer and secure my own territory.


I am particularly found of my Hoarfrost Castle mod, so that Castle would be nice for the HQ. And I'd probably capture a surrounding city or two, along with nearby settlements. Hey, "I protect you, you feed me".


This is assuming it's based of the Game, not lore, as Lore...I really don't know how many people assumably live in a city in Lore. But on the game each city has maybe...30 guards or so total? With only a nice 15 or so defending at a time. Easily taken over by a nice 250 man army. And Light armor has it's advantages. Strike quickly. By the time the guards in the barracks wake up the city would be under my control. 8)

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  tyreil829 said:
say if you had a army in oblivion ( and only oblivion no where else) what would you do with them? and what armour and weapons you would give them


I'd send them out patrolling. These are my Imperial Rangers.


Armor and weapons look pretty standard, sword, shield, bow, but in truth these men are uber as hell and can cast offensive and healing spells.



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