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Your Army ( oblvion)


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My army:


75 Orc Axemen equipped with pale rider's Berzerker Armor and Axe


75 Dunmer Swordsmen with Madness Armor and Longswords


75 Bosmer Archers with Dark Brotherhood Armor and Daedric Bows & Arrows


25 Altmer Battlemages equipped however they wanted.


I'd then lead them with my character rampaging around Tamriel, sacking and burning cities, pillaging and plundering settlements.

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LEts see. Since Liannia, my main, is already the Arch Mage and Champ (Working on the SI stuff) and is on her way to becoming the Countess of Kvatch (ever so slowly), I suppose this is how it would work.


Fortify Kvatch and pull students from the University and train them to be battle mages. Stockpile supplies and train troops, then start sacking towns and cities until all of Cyrodill was under my control.


Then proceed to launch attacks on the other proveninces. Probably burn Black Marsh to the ground.

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I'm sorry for posting again considering i've already enlisted my army, buts its quite suprising how many of the guys are using their armies for the sake of burning and pillaging. By the time you've done this to the first 3 cities, i would really doubt any of those armies would still exist. Its not a bad idea, but its not a practical idea either.


Your better off getting 250 assasin archers to kill the count of each city one by one.


In fact, you're better off plundering every single dungeon, as it would be several times more rewarding and even more morally enlightening.

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I would start off with my base being Bruma with cloud ruler temple as a back up base and the oblivion realm being our village, i would have first 100 dark elf mages in phoenix armour( mod armour) and the elfs would be riding shadow dragons that breathed acid sludge that burned trhough buildings only, 100 deadra warriors in dark divine gaurdian armor all with sephiroths masamune equipped, 48 of them would be orcs dressed in tyrael armour(with wings) and dark divine claymores equiped, the last two would be sephiroth and cloud, cloud having his normal armour cept with a gold trim and black spikes coming off him should plate, and sephiroths masamune having a purple flame to it,

our goal? detroy all provinces of cyrodil in one large battle with us againts every city, the fight will take place inside the planes of oblivion on the giant bridge inside the great gate

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i would have an army of nord warriors


we'd wear fur armor and wield dwarven weapons and we be just like the vikings


249 men with blunt and claymore weapons


1 of them will be the man who runs off and tell many others of our death and lead a new conquest when i and my army die



our castle Keefe

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