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Your Army ( oblvion)


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Expect non-lore-friendly as I represent mine.


Army : USFMC(United States Forces Marine Corps)


My army's modern advanced, and likely has no matching to middle age knights, warriors, wizards, etc, because they are the Marines.


250 troops would be likely overkill, combined together as my character's race crafts the fine weapondry for them that is guns of course. Not the old timey crap either. The modern/future weapondry. The soldiers' standards are usually M16s or XM8s. These two weapons represent the state-of-the-art for our weapondry. Not even a slightest slash can easily cut the body armor on a soldier as I put heavy plates inside the toughened leather material. But the bullets of the USFMC weapondry can pierce an Imperial Guard's armor all at once. Not a single Imperial Watchman could survive another day. Enough bursts of bullets gets him down flat dead.


250 are not needed to kill a single watchman. As the USMC says. 'The most powerful weapon in the world is the Marine and his rifle.', so that clearly states that one soldier is capable of killing a guard, which is basically true anyway. These are level 100 maxed out troops.


These are very powerful troops, and they don't just come in with weapons and gear, but they also have vehicles and all the modern crap. But they come from the future. Way deep in the future. Around like the year 12050 or something. So let's say that basically, we started performing teleport technology, and likely science, as we approved it, we managed to make time portals, some like the stargate to view the past, and correct it.


That's how USFMC came to the Elder Scrolls dimension. By time, and from the 'real life' dimension, not really real life and all, but I call it virtual real life. You can call it whatever.


I'm guessing you, tyreil829, would run the Stargate team in Oblivion. I don't know it, but I'm just giving a guess.


Got a few bites and scratches for that? Relax, we won't hurt you :) Just remember that this:
Not the old timey crap either.

really asks for a kick in the groin :) Respect preferences of others as well :)


I promise you that, should I respect the preferences of others, but I take interest in futuristic technology as I said. I will however say this.


'We don't promise you no rose garden.'

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Can i call you buggy, sheppard?



:P :P :P sorry couldn't reisist! i just rewatched that episode


i am cured! i been a bug before so give me a break geez


@Lordstyer i already do!



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:rolleyes: Having some experience in the field, let me tell ya'...


Armies serve multiple purposes, offensive and defensive, and are incredibly expensive to equip and maintain. Of your 250 personnel, you can expect maybe 75 of them to be purely soldiers, doing nothing but campaigning, guarding, or training to campaign. The other 175 of them are going to have to be support elements... sappers, artillerymen, cooks, repairmen, hostlers, teamsters, and so-forth. Sure, your support elements can fight in a pinch, but they won't be wearing heavy armor or carrying heavy weapons that would make it impossible to perform their regular jobs.


So, given the limitations of Oblivion's engine and the available mods, you're looking at...

50 Heavy Infantry/Archers, in the best armor you can put them in.

25 Hobilars (mounted infantry who would dismount to fight on foot, lighter armor but they can quickly reposition for flanking attacks)


10 Hostlers to maintain all the horses for both the hobilars and your supply trains

15 Artillerymen (enough to crew three trebuchets or other large siege engines)

25 Ammo-bearers/teamsters to transport the seige engines and supply JUST the Artillerymen

25 Sappers (engineers) for siegework, tunnelling, construction & maintenance of camp defenses, etc

20 Medical Personnel (Spellcasters specializing in Restoration)

10 Cooks/Scullery

20 Assorted carpenters, blacksmiths, armorers, etc for building and maintenance of equipment

40 Teamsters/Quartermasters for transportation of supplies and materials

5 Administrators/Paymasters for all paperwork issues

5 Musicians/Drummers for both morale and battlefield signalling purposes


THAT, my friends, is a realistic Army. :yes:

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