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Your Army ( oblvion)


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I would have a small private guerilla army, 30 soldiers. Light armor and bows, attacking non suspecting legionaires on the roads. We will cut off the water supply to the Imperial City, and the people will die when they make one step outside the walls.

Death to the empire, death to that snob Ocato!

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The Skaal Warriors, in full Nordic Mail complete with battle-axes. All will bow down before me...!



Seem like Nordic armies are the Race and military choice. Is there something more, why we chose them? I chose them because of that fact, Nords are the prime reflection of Northern Europe. From England to Russia, North sea and Baltic.....

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I'd use them to all get infected by vampires, and then have them all move into the Imperial City. :whistling:

They'd wear Dwarven Armor and wield Daedric maces. Their original homes would be in Battlehorn Castle, but then they'd leave and some marauders would come and start a siege.

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If my character Evelynne had a full army behind her that she was leading, She would scour the lands, finding all undead and Necromancers and put an end to it all.


It would consist of Any race, open to any who would follow her cause.

Any sort of equipment, Complete with calvary.


She already does that herself and is more then capable of it, but having an army behind her would make it a much faster process.

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200 Orcs

50 Wood Elves



150 Daedric - Orcs

100 Glass - 50 Orc, 50 Wood Elves



60 Hammers

70 War Axes

70 Battle Axes

50 Glass Bows with enchanted arrows




50 Beserk

Sheogorath's Palace slap bang in the middle of Oblivion :D

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I would equip my useless army with partyanimal shirts n shorts, (cos its hot in Oblivion) put a pint where the swords usually go, and throw a massive end of existence party. and you better be dancing, cos Akatosh is on the decks, and you dont want to upset him now. DO YOU!
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Although no one will EVER READ THIS, I have to invade oblivion. But I have my own ary, and when I asked for a little FREAKING ADVICE ON WHERE TO GET EQUIPMENT, NO ONE ANSWERED, NOT ONE PERSON!!!


and by the way, for any one who wishes to create their own army and have a TON of fun, check out my teams Personal Cruisade mod. I know it's not out yet :( but when it does come out, it will be completely and utter. I would like to thank the poster for this topic, you have definatly given some insite into what the gamers want.


oh, and my NAZI army consists of two hindred and fifty ARIANS (a custome race I made to help with the immursion into my Nazi Army) they inhabit MJY Nibean Castle, A majority of them where Feldagrau clothing with a Stahl Helm, they carry Mausers and we go around killing orcs all day. we also kill Khajits and Argonians, but mostly orcs because I'm sick of walking down the street and seeing a topless green thing with a stupid dumb pig face sticking up the place. After capturing almost every orc in the game using Ca-something prison mod, I have to say, orc genocide is really quite easy, their really arn't that many of them, (Of course, in the normal cities their are absolutly NONE left)


Honestly, I know that atleast one person is going to e-mail me and say "Pre-tending to be a Nazi is wrong, they were bad people and killed jews, as well as provided countless vulgure jokes on South Park" but before you do READ THIS OR I WON'T LISTEN!

My army is Nazi for 5 reasons:

1) wehrmacht looked cool, and I thought it might be fun to do something with it

2) I hate orcs

3) I love call of duty and being a Nazi brings some of that atmosphere into Oblivion.

4) What I do in the privacy in my own game is my buisness, I'm not going to come to your house, put on a swastika, and start playing Oblivion all while killing jews, try to assassinate obama, and be mean to black people. I repeat, I am NOT going to do that, nor would I want to

5) I'm sorry I hurt your feelings, but It's my game, you do not have to be a Nazi.



Ps. i don't hate jews, blacks, Other minorities or Nazis, what ever you are, I don't care, my beef is with orcs, not with you. (Unless your an orc, than go F*** yourself! No i'm JOKING. have a nice day :)


Ps, this whole post is a waste of time, don't read it, and if you did I'm sorry I rambled.

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Note This is a formal apology/explaination of the post in question and is in no way part of Oblivion. If this post does not affect you don't bother to read it unless desired. It will offer no game secrets nor help enhance the experrience of oblivion, please note that this is just an attmempt to appease those affended by my previouse post.



Although no one will EVER READ THIS, I have to invade oblivion. But I have my own ary, and when I asked for a little FREAKING ADVICE ON WHERE TO GET EQUIPMENT, NO ONE ANSWERED, NOT ONE PERSON!!!


and by the way, for any one who wishes to create their own army and have a TON of fun, check out my teams Personal Cruisade mod. I know it's not out yet :( but when it does come out, it will be completely and utter. I would like to thank the poster for this topic, you have definatly given some insite into what the gamers want.


oh, and my NAZI army consists of two hindred and fifty ARIANS (a custome race I made to help with the immursion into my Nazi Army) they inhabit MJY Nibean Castle, A majority of them where Feldagrau clothing with a Stahl Helm, they carry Mausers and we go around killing orcs all day. we also kill Khajits and Argonians, but mostly orcs because I'm sick of walking down the street and seeing a topless green thing with a stupid dumb pig face sticking up the place. After capturing almost every orc in the game using Ca-something prison mod, I have to say, orc genocide is really quite easy, their really arn't that many of them, (Of course, in the normal cities their are absolutly NONE left)


Honestly, I know that atleast one person is going to e-mail me and say "Pre-tending to be a Nazi is wrong, they were bad people and killed jews, as well as provided countless vulgure jokes on South Park" but before you do READ THIS OR I WON'T LISTEN!

My army is Nazi for 5 reasons:

1) wehrmacht looked cool, and I thought it might be fun to do something with it

2) I hate orcs

3) I love call of duty and being a Nazi brings some of that atmosphere into Oblivion.

4) What I do in the privacy in my own game is my buisness, I'm not going to come to your house, put on a swastika, and start playing Oblivion all while killing jews, try to assassinate obama, and be mean to black people. I repeat, I am NOT going to do that, nor would I want to

5) I'm sorry I hurt your feelings, but It's my game, you do not have to be a Nazi.



Ps. i don't hate jews, blacks, Other minorities or Nazis, what ever you are, I don't care, my beef is with orcs, not with you. (Unless your an orc, than go F*** yourself! No i'm JOKING. have a nice day :)


Ps, this whole post is a waste of time, don't read it, and if you did I'm sorry I rambled.



I NEW this post would come back to haunt me, a person just sent me an E-mail that says "Re-Edit that Nazi thing you did' and if only I could figure out how, I would, but unfortunatly, this is the first forum that actually appealed to me, so I would like to make a formal apology:



I understand that Nazism is a very controcersial topics, I'm sorry for bringing it up I should have kept my big dumb mouth shut. (I know I typed this but I'm trying to make a formal apology) Just by apologizing I may offendsome people, and to those people I'm sorry. I'm also sorry that I wasted a post on this Formum, and I also realize that this has absolutely nothing to do with oblivion. I also have to say that I am not Anti-Jew, nor have I any bitterness towards Nazi's or modern day "Skin Heads." Please understand that I have a buddy who's father was a holocaust survivor and I had a Grandfather who was a full fledged Nazi through and through. My character in oblivion is infact a Nazi of sorts and goes around killing orcs, and for the same reason that the true Nazis did, to make cyrodil look better, and the fact that killing/imprisoning orcs is fun, and that no real people were hurt in this game. I remind you that Orcs arn't real people and they die every minute of every day by atleast on person playing oblivion.


And for thse who wish to e-mail me any furtther complaints, please send them to my account, thank you and I am sorry for bringing this up in the first place




Please note that I have a historical outlook on Nazism and your oppinions may differ and that I have no problems with that


A few people have e-mailed my mod team e-mail adress to adress this issue. they asked me what my stance was and my stance Is that I don't believe that Nazism is exactly evil nor is it good. Nazism is simply a part of our history, and I believe that Nazism and racism arn't the same thing, Historically the "Nationaler Sozialist" or "Nazi" party believed that Germany was the best country in the world and that the Jews were in some way harming the German Economy, a popular stario type with it's own valid history, a religeon, a form of catholic or christianaty or something was banned from giving loans in the bible or something, so the jews could be bankers and give loans and that is why many jewish people became bankers. With the bankrupt country and with a fairly larger amount of jewish banks, (No it's true, look it up!) the Nazis pointed the fingure at the jews, along with the treaty of Versailles, and their for, the Nazis turned on the jewish people. The reason that other races were persicuted is that they ruined the image of a perfect Germany, With a magority of racism in the world at the time, it was merely peer pressure, the Nazi's wanted a "Perfect Germany," free from races that were considered a "Flaw" in the eyes of the world. Canada did the same thing to Germans and Japanese to protect it's image, although these "Internment Camos" wern't as harsh as the German's "Concentration Camps" it was basically the same thing, Germans were considered a "Flaw" and were detaied to preserve Canada's Image, although their were other reasons such as fear and paranoia, The world was frowning on Germany, and Canada hopped on the wagon. The Handicapped were also persecuted for the same reason, removing the Flaws from Germay. The Nazis were no more racist than any other country at the time, they just were over obsessed with the image of a perfect Germany, and racism was just the common view of the time. I personally see no connection between the "Skin Heads" as they are called, with the Nazis of WWII. The Nazis believed did everything for a perfect Germany, Skin heads just hate races and supported the means the Nazi's used. The only reason people use the Swastika as a symbol as "Anti-Jew" is because of the fear it installed in the victems of the Nazis "Cleansing" of Germany.

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