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I'm so excited about them and Dawnguard is still delaying... and there are no mods that add any kind of xbow to the game (despite numerous gun mods)


Anyone's up to it? I don't know that much about modding, but it shouldn't be so hard to add some "hand crossbow" version at least, that would be held just like those guns.


As always, crossbows should have powerful shots but firing very slowly.. so far the best I could do (since I have zero modeling skill) was make a custom bow in CK that had very slow fire rate (slower than daedric) but more damage - so it works like "snipe one good shot from stealth, change weapons and charge in to finish the enemy"

But till I could place it in the game, CK crashed (as I clicked NEW in the chest loot), ruining all I've changed, so I gave up :S

Edited by peregrine111
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You may as well wait for Dawnguard. Building a crossbow is such a tremendously difficult task, that it was seldom done for Oblivion although people asked for it hundreds of times. The handful of modders in the world with the skills to build such a thing will want to spend their time on something that isn't about to become obsolete. Dawnguard will likely be out within a month, and then you can have a professionally built crossbow. Edited by David Brasher
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