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Take a quick look at this video, now can anyone tell me what's causing that weird shadow above my characters head?






I have tried a complete game install and it remained, i have even tried to use Vanilla hair/eyes and it still remained so i am at a loss.


any help will be muchly appreciated!





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I do have the same problem, I think it is related to the ShowRaceMenu, I have checked all my mods one by one and that shadow only appears when ShowRaceMenu is active.



I still don't know how to solve it tho.

Found a fix...


Go here: Data\SKSE\Plugins

Now find and open: skee64.ini

Scroll down abit until you find: [Overlays] under this you should see this command: bPlayerOnly=1 change the 1 to 0 and save.

Close everything and head into game................... fixed?


Mine is fine now.

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