BetterTejbz Posted July 31, 2012 Share Posted July 31, 2012 I think it's been ever since I used 'Curse of Pain' from the Apocalypse Spells mod (not 100% sure) but my Argonian PC looks like Histskin is always active even though it's not. Histskin still works as it should but the glow is kind of irksome and the light particles coming off me are starting to get annoying. I have backup saves but it would set me back level a or three so I just wanna make sure there's no other solution. Before you say Google is your friend it's more of an enemy since it didn't give me any relevant results. Obviously it's Larry Page and other Google execs conspiring against me. Example of Effect - List of Mods Skyrim.esmCRC: C665FD56 Update.esmCRC: 412D96FBUDR: 1, ITM not scanned (via Wrye Bash) Vigilant of Stendarr Quests Master.esmCRC: 0B0207CF WARZONES - Civil Unrest.esmCRC: 5641193AUDR: 1, ITM not scanned (via Wrye Bash) JSwords.esmCRC: 58016F83 ClimatesOfTamriel.esmCRC: D6549357 MagicDuel.esmCRC: 03CCBE9A moonpath.esmCRC: 50A19275 EagleEyePerk_defStamina.esmCRC: 3E01E62B ApachiiHair.esmCRC: 783F7167 BBLuxurySuite.esmCRC: F204393E Perky.espCRC: DFA3ACCE getSnowyV3.espCRC: E0B847DC Dark Dungeons for ENB.espCRC: 2906BB75 ClimatesOfTamriel-VanillaNights-Lvl-3.espCRC: F60EF0C9 Weapons and Armor fixes.espCRC: DB723BD2 Weapons and Armor fixes - Hacks.espCRC: 4DDA13C3 StaticMeshImprovementMod.espCRC: 7985AB43 AV1Dragon_Lords.espCRC: 067CEEB8 Better Alchemy Loot.espCRC: 2E01715C Chesko_SwiftPotion.espCRC: B01EEBAA Dr_Bandolier.espCRC: 4402F887 DragonSoulsToPerks.espCRC: 592636AA DynamicTorches.espCRC: A30AA667UDR: 106, ITM not scanned (via Wrye Bash) People Have Torches.espCRC: 7E5D2415 Portable Campsite.espCRC: C70BE4C6 SkyrimLive.espCRC: CBFEB8B8UDR: 9, ITM not scanned (via Wrye Bash) ValsCraftingMeltdownAlpha.espCRC: 9F5FD0C9 Auto Unequip Arrows.espCRC: C9F20617 AutoHarvest.espCRC: 721BD264 CAS.espCRC: 208E1ECA BBLSspouse.espCRC: 14CDCF49 Cloaks.espCRC: 6DD8E390 1nivWICCloaks.espVersion: 2.1bCRC: 6732F645 1nivWICCloaksCRAFT.espVersion: 2.1bCRC: F5B16802 1nivWICSkyCloaksPatch.espVersion: 0.9CRC: 77DDE858 Craftable Arrows.espCRC: 5C53CC56 Dragonbone Weapons.espCRC: C80E5E2B Dragonbone Weapons - Faster Arrows.espCRC: 2A3CAD69 FlameAtronachArmor.espCRC: 4CB65954 FullBootForKKSA.espCRC: 2A065A06 JSwordsDistributionBalancePlugin.espCRC: DA14A9DE Magicka Sabers.espCRC: 118A2015 PrvtI_HeavyArmory.espCRC: B90D68F1 RingsOfPower.espCRC: C8FE8832 BandolierForNPCMasterFile.espVersion: 3.0CRC: 41D7BA64 hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.espCRC: E1753EC7 BandolierForNPCsWIC_V2.espCRC: 72382BC3 BandolierForNPCsCheaperBandoliers.espCRC: 55B1B828 BandolierForNPCsImmersiveArmorsPatch.espCRC: 3260D107 Smithing Perks Overhaul - Balanced.espCRC: 5CB2DB8C Complete Crafting Overhaul - BS version.espCRC: 5A081F80 DragonSwarms.espCRC: D976877F DragonSwarms - Insane Mode.espCRC: 5839A6DA DeadlyDragons.espCRC: B8FA758A DeadlyDragonsSpells.espCRC: B95F1AA6 DragonsDiversified.espCRC: 6D8FC101UDR: 2, ITM not scanned (via Wrye Bash) DeadlyDragonsArmory.espCRC: EB0BA631 BBLuxurySuiteExt.espCRC: CE73C4E7 BBLSmusic.espCRC: 44EBDEFB BBLSapachii.espCRC: 7D398D82 Beautiful Whiterun.espCRC: 17257C94UDR: 2, ITM not scanned (via Wrye Bash) BuildableHouse.espCRC: 120723F9UDR: 3, ITM not scanned (via Wrye Bash) CampsAndShipwrecks.espCRC: 174F5B5CUDR: 20, ITM not scanned (via Wrye Bash) College Of Winterhold Overhaul Release - V1.02.espCRC: 17544179 moonpath_questdata.espCRC: 78CAE957 RealisticWhiterun.espCRC: 4A8E445BUDR: 32, ITM not scanned (via Wrye Bash) Vigilant of Stendarr Quests.espCRC: 63846C4B Acquisitive Soul Gems.espCRC: F21B45B6 AT - Faster Arrows Improved +50%.espCRC: 1A016491 AT - Recover +50% Arrows.espCRC: 9169EFB9 AT - Progressive Damage (BS and CCO).espCRC: 95EB1FFB Better Dynamic Snow.espCRC: 541965A9 Headbomb's Better Sorting - Soul Gems (PseudoVanilla).espCRC: B2A269F4 Headbomb's Better Sorting - Miscellaneous.espCRC: D7D4E1FC Headbomb's Better Sorting - Ingredients.espCRC: E1AB18FD Headbomb's Better Sorting - Ammo.espCRC: 0BDD6E94 Headbomb's Better Sorting - Food (Normal Weight).espCRC: 6365A0B7 Headbomb's Better Sorting - Potions (Normal Weight).espCRC: DF90BDC8 Headbomb's Better Sorting - Books.espCRC: 7CDF3F2D BetterQuestObjectives.espCRC: BCD35920 DynamicMerchants.espCRC: 1431BE7D essentialhorsemen.espCRC: CB94557D faster vanilla horses.espCRC: CA204F13 GetArrowsBack.espCRC: 5F1FE9F4 iLoveLydia.espCRC: D4A53CA0 Killable Children.espCRC: D2BEAD09 Killable Children - Quest Important Protected.espCRC: 4231901C KillEssential.espCRC: B142A8FB Tougher named NPCs.espCRC: 83C49247 No Perk Prereqs.espCRC: CE6C77B6 Sneak Tools Vanilla Hoods.espCRC: 275AE5FE Sneak Tools Vanilla Masks.espCRC: B6A9088A Soul Gems Differ - E.espCRC: 51A2BFFF torches for RL (happy medium).espCRC: 9FDDC2E6 Vile Art of Necromancy.espCRC: 03B1D62D Smelter_Riften.espCRC: C8594DF4UDR: 1, ITM not scanned (via Wrye Bash) Smelter_Solitude.espCRC: A41F428DUDR: 1, ITM not scanned (via Wrye Bash) StealthImmFixv1.espCRC: BE08C1C7 Werepyre.espCRC: 1746E7D0 Apocalypse - The Spell Package.espCRC: 2F2219B3 CallAssassins.espCRC: 039CBA51 ColettesRevenge.espCRC: 7981FDE3 MidasSkyrim.espCRC: 0CC54597 vinis_transmute.espCRC: BB57D586 More Visible Soul Trap Effect.espCRC: 2151D3EE spellsneak.espCRC: FCF8F2E3 SustainedSpells.espCRC: 82DE336D Enchanting Freedom.espCRC: C1ED186F Sneak Tools.espCRC: 61E1D839 Duel - Combat Realism.espCRC: 4730A11E decap 50.espCRC: EFC176D7 Killmove.espCRC: F07A9E46 Crimson Tide - Blood.espCRC: DB6C1082UDR: 41, ITM not scanned (via Wrye Bash) ASAP.espVersion: 3.2CRC: B3AD90E7 UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.espCRC: F5D2AE17 Slightly Reduced Distance NPC Greetings.espCRC: 4241E457 specializedfollowers.espCRC: DD5D2460 mjoll1f.espCRC: E5D05295 SMSkyrim.espCRC: 46CFA652 Follower Trap Safety.espCRC: 36016080 BBLSHousecarlsmovein.espCRC: 5472D6D1 BBLSVisitors.espCRC: 46698C16 Alternate Start - Live Another Life.espVersion: 2.1CRC: FB5F09B0 AutoCastRacials.espCRC: AFF73177 Skyrim 10 DeadBody Remover.espCRC: C2048671 Skyrim 20 DeadBody Remover.espCRC: 72C2A6DD Skyrim 30 DeadBody Remover.espCRC: 1D7F46B9 Skyrim 8 DeadBody Remover.espCRC: 680D4EFA skyrimespawn7.espCRC: 33F4C99C skyrimespawn3.espCRC: EF23FD4E skyrimespawn2.espCRC: 2387A7CD skyrimespawn.espCRC: 67E46E4C WATER.espCRC: 51B70CE2 WATER - Get Wet.espCRC: D9D9F97E Necessary Map Markers with alternate house.espCRC: F1AAEED3 DogStealth.espCRC: AB4FB118 Everything is Disenchantable.espCRC: E4C166DA MasterOfMagic.espCRC: 1262CC8F JenassaHirelingFacelift.espCRC: A922A48D DovahkiinSpeech.espCRC: 27656479 Pilfer.espCRC: C6B774F0 cao_DweSchematicsSearch.espCRC: A655AB19 cao_DweSchematicsBuy.espCRC: 7E85692A ReducedAutoAim.espCRC: 02DEFFFD SummonSkeletalHorde.espCRC: 9ADE492A SpectralHordeSpell.espCRC: 1ABD2A1A sneAdria.espCRC: 9AD5C53B Werewolf_Autochanger.espVersion: 1.0CRC: 6E754450 Naruto - Overhaul.espCRC: A0D6662A jutsu.espCRC: 656BA6A3UDR: 4, ITM not scanned (via Wrye Bash) LB_EnemiesEssplode!.espCRC: E7ABD5FA DrugX.espCRC: B5EDE10A -Stickier_Arrows- Fix.espCRC: D41373DF ShakeIt.espCRC: 7E047C66 BBLSMotseerOutfits.espCRC: 529DBAC9 1nivWICCloaksNoGuards.espVersion: 2.1bCRC: 5A7754B3 no_essential_COs.espCRC: 62886B80 SenzuBeandbz.espCRC: BAAFBF96 Saiyanrace.espCRC: 7ECF5C58 DBZmultidestructodisc.espCRC: 54AB833D DBZMagc.espCRC: 2F202C5E DBZKiBlastAuto.espCRC: 9598E56B DbzKiBlast.espCRC: BE45639F DBZKaioken.espCRC: CD462FED DBZBattleGloves.espCRC: 2B5630EF NPCPerked.espCRC: CF92E3AC UthgerdtheUnbrokenFacelift.espCRC: 1DAA11C7 Automatic Spells.espCRC: 559CABA6 Bashed Patch, 0.espCRC: 38756D99 CreeperFollower.espCRC: 0198D784 New Encounter zone Levels.espCRC: DCFAFE8F Skyrim 3 Day DeadBody Timer.espCRC: AF17D58E Skyrim 3 Day Vendor Respawn.espCRC: 42563027 Skyrim 5 Day DeadBody Timer.espCRC: F1692662 Skyrim 5 Day Respawn.espCRC: 625FE7F0 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
nofear88 Posted July 31, 2012 Share Posted July 31, 2012 (edited) I think one way of fixing this is removing Histskin via console, click on your Character and then by typing in "removespell e40d5" close the console window and then see if he goes back to normal. then add the spell back by typing "addspell e40d5" Sould be ok them. This may work, may not. Also, have you checked any other active spells or effects are on? Edited July 31, 2012 by nofear88 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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