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Wolf Queen Awakened / Letter From Falk Firebeard problems.


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Hey guys.


First of all, I am not at the level cap. I have leveled up many times since completing Mad Who Cried Wolf. The courier just won't come. He'll come for other things; Lami in Morthal was killed by a dragon, and he brought me an inheritance from her, for instance. I've completed everything else in the game, so he doesn't come very often, but I do know he's capable of showing up. Here's everything I've tried:


- Tried to change the quest trigger in the CK to "add item" instead of "level up;" added item... No dice.

- Unchecked the "run once" box on the quest, thinking maybe a different courier encounter took precedence and that the script ran and ended without actually giving the letter. No dice.

- Tried leveling up and waiting in every possible combination. Nothing.

- Made sure Varnius Junius was back in Dragon Bridge, just in case that affected the trigger. Nope.

- Tried all sorts of "completequest," "resetquest," and "setstage" commands on both Man Who Cried Wolf, Wolf Queen, and the internal hidden Courier quest ("WICourier"). No good.

- Tried "placeatme" and "moveto" commands with the courier, but the courier is generated in a one-off manner, so there's no courier to manipulate unless he's triggered.

- Tried pickpocketing Falk's letter. Doesn't start the quest. Tried adding it through the console... Not only does it not start the quest, but it's blank when done this way.


Does ANYONE know how to jumpstart this quest? Or can someone who understands quest triggers better than I do fix it with a mod?

Edited by rcavanah
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AH! I may have found something...


I'm looking at the scripts in the Creation Kit, and there's one missing. QF_MS06Start_00093807 isn't in the Scripts folder. Is it in a container file somewhere? Does anyone else have this script?

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