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Mechinist broken


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I get all the way down to the mechanist, I do the opening dialogue and proceed to the big battle there. BUT, when the battle ends, she gets stuck in an aggressive attack stance. She won't put the ramp down let alone talk to me. She just gets stuck trying to attack me and my followers. Once in while she pops through the wall and stays aggressive. At this point she's fully invincible, but won't attack me... Just my minions she goes for. Trying this without minions was indeed incredibly hard for my setup and level, but she still was broken. She just sits there and stares at the wall at end of the battle. Does anyone know what could cause this? And of course how I might fix it? I do have mods, so would like know if one these is cause of it. When comes to Settlements, I have the sandbox mod and one that expands height of the settlements.

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Timescale or making changes to the game then continuing to use the same save game. Messiness and negligence? Why didn't you view, read, download, organize, and then install mods a few at a time (LOL or a few dozen at a time) so that slowly over time you would eventually have a massively modded game that you play tested for problems as you built it? You could find this particular issue on the Net, and then circumvent it with ~ console commands, but that's only if someone had the same problem, and found the specific part of the game you glitched or corrupted. You could roll back the save game, or just do the quest over again for fun.



Edited by SpaceMachineSixThousandOne
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Timescale or making changes to the game then continuing to use the same save game. Messiness and negligence? Why didn't you view, read, download, organize, and then install mods a few at a time (LOL or a few dozen at a time) so that slowly over time you would eventually have a massively modded game that you play tested for problems as you built it? You could find this particular issue on the Net, and then circumvent it with ~ console commands, but that's only if someone had the same problem, and found the specific part of the game you glitched or corrupted. You could roll back the save game, or just do the quest over again for fun.



How would I do that? I'm in Survival mode and console commands are de-activated

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