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Set HotKeys for Favorites Menu


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Not sure, but SKSE adds some input functions (input.psc) that don't seem to be documented on the wiki. These might be useful to you.


Scriptname Input Hidden

; returns whether a key is pressed
bool Function IsKeyPressed(Int dxKeycode) global native

; taps the specified key
Function TapKey(Int dxKeycode) global native

; holds down the specified key until released
Function HoldKey(Int dxKeycode) global native

; releases the specified key
Function ReleaseKey(Int dxKeycode) global native

; how many keys are pressed
int Function GetNumKeysPressed() global native

; for walking over the pressed keys
int Function GetNthKeyPressed(int n) global native


Deathless Aphrodite has a mod that uses these functions. IIRC it is call "Deathless Sprint and Jump" or something like that.

Edited by steve40
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Thnx for the advice as always =]. I'm actually working on a hotkey script right now. I was asking this about my potion script. If i can figure out a way to store their hotkeyed favorites and reset them after it evaluates inventory it will be finished. Besides tweaking/aesthetics that is.
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