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SKSE hotkey mod help


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So I've been waiting for a hotkey mod using SKSE to no avail, so I've decided to create my own. Since there is ZERO documentation with SKSE (I developed a new appreciation for MSDN hunting for SKSE documentation), how does one capture a keyboard event in SKSE and then call a game event? Also, judging from the source files, I'm guessing C++ is the language of choice, yes?


If there is SKSE documentation and I've just missed it, a link to it would be most appreciated.




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I hear you. I dont think its documented on wiki yet. Here the official documentation packaged with SKSE. Under Data/scripts/source/input.psc. May take a stab at this myself if you dont mind.


Scriptname Input Hidden


; returns whether a key is pressed

bool Function IsKeyPressed(Int dxKeycode) global native


; taps the specified key

Function TapKey(Int dxKeycode) global native


; holds down the specified key until released

Function HoldKey(Int dxKeycode) global native


; releases the specified key

Function ReleaseKey(Int dxKeycode) global native


; how many keys are pressed

int Function GetNumKeysPressed() global native


; for walking over the pressed keys

int Function GetNthKeyPressed(int n) global native

Edited by Spinner385
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Don't mind at all. I really don't have time to do it and there are still plenty of basics about coding against SKSE that are completely undocumented (the example plugin is of little help) so it's very much in doubt whether I do the mod. So if you already know the platform you are more that welcome to make the mod. There used to be a mod but it used Script Dragon and so every update the mod was dead for days because he/she had to wait for the Script Dragon update (which took a few days) and then the mod could be updated. Last I checked, the mod looked abandoned. My hunch is that it was someone associated with Script Dragon looking to build interest in the platform but keeping up with the mod proved more work than s/he was willing to put in.
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