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Quest,weapon,clothing,and companion idea


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i own part of this idea off the fallout 3 mod quest doctor who it would be fun to see a doctor who quest and time travel in the tardis and able to use the doctors screwdriver wich emits a sound that unlocks door shuts down robots and add the doctors outfit and riversong oufit and amy pond outfit and even add them as companions to the game i would thank anyone who tries and if the idea is pickup thnx to whoever pick this idea and uses and does the time to make this mod and if it needs more explaining or anything else let me know and ill adress it if possible
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thanks devin well i wont be able to play my grandpa said i cant play or download for that matter any pc game because it will crash my laptop and takes up it hardrive space so im depress not to see it but to hear there will be one will be awesome thank u sir
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