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Dual Wielding


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It would be awesome if it were possible to dual wield pistols, small smg's, grenade rifles, etc.


Dual wielding mode could have positive and negative effects, such as reduced accuracy but more firepower, and less maneuverability and slower reload times.


I think the mod would be pretty popular. I'd do it myself but I don't have knowledge or skills needed to do so.

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You can do it without changing the game engine, Invalidfate did a demo. But it would be a huge project. You'd have to make the animations yourself, change the projectile nodes to alternate from each barrel to simulate both weapons firing, make a new weapon from each possible combo of pistols, and probably a lot of other details that wouldn't be obvious until you started the project.


But if I ever get around to learning something about animating in blender I'd like to have dual sequoias (as well as fanning a revolver, less accurate, higher fire rate) as a perk for a western mod I'm working on.







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