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Ring/Necklace wearing increase (jewelry skill tree, basically)


Jewelry skill tree  

8 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you want a mod like this?

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    • I like some of it, but it still needs work.
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    • Nope, I don't like this mod idea.

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Okay, so have any other players become totally sick and tired of how you can only wear ONE ring and ONE necklace/amulet/pendant, etc.? Why are you limited to one? You have 8 fingers, 2 thumbs, and, if you really want to get technical, 10 toes -- theoretically, you should be able to wear at LEAST 10 rings, one on each hand digit, and you should be able to wear multiple necklaces/amulets, though not necessarily getting the full enchantment benefit from each. Why does the game artificially limit you to only one ring, when you have, in practice, 10 spots you can wear a ring on? It makes no sense.


That said, I think that giving someone free rein to wear 10 rings at the start of the game would be a bit much, and would, in later levels, have the potential to break the game, if the enchantments on the rings were too strong. Instead, I think the mod should be something along the lines of a jewelry skill tree (for lack of a better descriptor), which would have no skill level, but only spots to put perks. (Unless somebody can come up with a way to gain skill levels in jewelry, because I have no idea how that could be worked out.)


Anyways, it would either:

not allow you to have multiple rings with the same enchantments, so that you couldn't break a skill set,


not allow you to increase a skill past a certain point using the rings, so that you couldn't break a skill set.


The necklaces would probably need to have some type of 'efficiency cap' so that you don't get the full effect of all the necklaces you are wearing, unless you invest a large number of perk points first -- same for the rings.

Regardless, it would have to be worked out carefully so that it doesn't break things completely, but would still add a bit more realism (physiologically) to the game.

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That mod has been out for a very long time. My download of Unlimited Amulets is dated December 5 last year, Unlimited rings November 29 the month that Skyrim was released. The one I use now - Skyrim Unlimited Rings and Amulets was a latecomer January 28, of this year - 3 months after Skyrim was released


There are several others also, just use the search function for 'rings'


Unlimited rings & Amulets: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/6703

Unlimited rings: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/1952

Unlimited Amulets: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/2325

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