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The Music of Morrowind.


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We are not allowed to make mods that takes asset from previous, or future, TES game into another installement of a TES game. It's no different if it is a piece of code, a model or the soundfiles. It all goes under the copyright law, and rule given to us by Bethesda. The reason are multiple, and there are billions of threads about it. In short, it's because the asset you want might not be made by Bethesda or any sister company, and is bought. Hence they are prohibited by law to not allow their playerbase to do what they want with the files. That includes porting from Game X to Y, even if the games are part of a serie by the same developer and publisher.


If you really want the music, you must do it yourself. You are within legal ground if you do it yourself and never release the mod on the internet, or give it away to friends for that matter. For that, you should do some research and ask the right questions.



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We are not allowed to make mods that takes asset from previous, or future, TES game into another installement of a TES game. It's no different if it is a piece of code, a model or the soundfiles. It all goes under the copyright law, and rule given to us by Bethesda. The reason are multiple, and there are billions of threads about it. In short, it's because the asset you want might not be made by Bethesda or any sister company, and is bought. Hence they are prohibited by law to not allow their playerbase to do what they want with the files. That includes porting from Game X to Y, even if the games are part of a serie by the same developer and publisher.


If you really want the music, you must do it yourself. You are within legal ground if you do it yourself and never release the mod on the internet, or give it away to friends for that matter. For that, you should do some research and ask the right questions.



I had no idea of such thing.Thank you for the information.

Edited by Dovahkiin069
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I had no idea of such thing.Thank you for the information.

Don't worry about it. No harm done :)

It's a common thing for non-modders not to know it. We modders, or modeller in my case, live and breath by the copyright law everytime we do any work. So we are familiar with it -- or atleast we should be.


Again I suggest you do some basic reading, and perhaps ask the community how to change/add sound files. This would require that you had both Skyrim and Morrowind installed, and most likely got the .BSA files unpacked for Morrowind.

Other than that, I do not know how to do it. Not many people will do requests, but if you ask specific and good questions, you get an answer in no time!



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I recently got a warning from staff here for commenting in a thread about porting files between copies of Skyrim on different media, something I would have assumed was completely innocent before being informed by staff, and this thread has me wondering now. If a person made a mod which accessed music in a Morrowind install on the same computer, would it still be a violation of the rules? In other words, no file is being copied, no data is included in the mod, all the mod does is look for and play music from a game already installed on the player's computer. Still verboten?
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I recently got a warning from staff here for commenting in a thread about porting files between copies of Skyrim on different media, something I would have assumed was completely innocent before being informed by staff, and this thread has me wondering now. If a person made a mod which accessed music in a Morrowind install on the same computer, would it still be a violation of the rules? In other words, no file is being copied, no data is included in the mod, all the mod does is look for and play music from a game already installed on the player's computer. Still verboten?


That is in a greyzone. In theory you don't port anything, since you only set a script to find the original file from the original game and use the asset.

However, it is disliked by Bethesda, and at worse could be banned from being up on the nexus.


More than that I am not sure, since that topic is in the greyzone. I guess you'd have to talk to the moderators here about what they allow to be uploaded to the nexus, and perhaps ask Bethesda/somebody who have asked Bethesda about it.



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Curious on what the possibilities of receiving permission to do such a thing? I worked with a quake 3 mod, years ago and we walked a razor edge talking back and forth with Id Software. Generations Arena, our issue was using well wolf/doom/q1/q2 but it we were able to get some permissions. The original mod prior to the one above i mentioned, was foxed for not getting permissions and well ahem long story.


And to PharmakosChroster... this is nothing new for any game company. Why does this kind of thing draw contempt from you? If anything, this goes way back to the term FOXed, should look it up and a small mod team that brought that term into view 10+ years ago.


And to Matth85, team I worked with we could port nothing at all, we could build up new models/textures and script them in likeness as close as possible with permission of course.


http://www.wireheadstudios.org/generations/about.php Q2Gen got foxed, Q3 Gen Arena survived but lost out do dwindling fanbase. Read the history of, if interested. Its at least in relation to above curiousness/comments about copywrite.

Edited by Lilazzkicker
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And to Matth85, team I worked with we could port nothing at all, we could build up new models/textures and script them in likeness as close as possible with permission of course.

Which is exactly what I have said all along. You are not allowed to port anything. However, the theory in question is not a port, it's a script. It's the same kind of mod that they made for Fallout 3 and new vegas -- the games are linekd together by a script, but it does not port anything. It simply starts up the second game when you trigger certain conditions, and use a script to make the character similar in each game.

That is in the greyzone. It is not a port, and you need both games installed. You also do not tamper with any files, only look and play certain music files when certain conditions is met. It does not break the copyright, but it does use a cheesy piece of code.


I am simply not familar with how Bethesda, or the nexus, looks at these cheesy loopholes. I'd take a bet they are allowed by Bethesda, allthough disliked, and most likely banned on the nexus. That is, however, only a guess on my part and I do not wish to speak too much of what I do not know. Giving wrong information is a lot worse than giving none.



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