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Missing map markers on Compass


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Hey, I hope someone can help me with this... Sometimes, the map markers on the compass and the floating markers ingame are missing. reloading helps, but I don't want to reload the game everytime, the markers are missing... I found some similar topics, but there was no solution at all.

and before you ask: yes, i checked the quests in the journal.


If there is a way to fix this, please answer asap.


thanks in advance

Edited by Scatty92
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Did you make sure floating markers has a X in the box? that's in the games menu under settings and gameplay


And if you have any mods that add map markers make sure there installed properly or try disabling them and see if the games default markers come back

Edited by sinnerman69
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Yep, floating map markers are activated; all others are displayed properly.


Also, I don't have mods installed that change/remove/add map markers at all...


So that doesn't seem to be the problem. :(

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  • 2 months later...

Hey guys, my problem still exists... any suggestions how to solve it so far? I have experienced, that I get more (maybe more stable) map markers the more mods I disable. But I don't want to play completely without mods like 'realistic ragdoll force' or 'dr bandolier'...


Sooo... If ANYONE out there in the internet knows, how I could solve this, please let me know.

Edited by Scatty92
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