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Dark Brotherhood Request


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Hi everyone! =) Any modder in the place? Good, i have a task for ya!


Like in Oblivion, i' really...disappointed by the end of the Dark Brotherhood. As for Oblivion, we leave a really "family" group, with characters with the well defined personality, for a band of simple cutthroat!


Thus, if the one of you knows how to create two or three characters with a little more charisma and personality, and how to add them to the Brotherhood, I believe that it would be wonderful!


Interested? =) What do you think?

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it's hard to add NPCs to an existing faction because you have to edit all the other NPCs in the same faction to have them acknowledge that said new NPC even exists, not to mention writing the new npc's scripts, lines, and all of that would take quite a bit of work, and then multiply that by 3 or even 2 and you have a lot of work cut out for you. Im not saying this is a bad idea because it is really a good one but it would be very tedious. Edited by frakle
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