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How do you reset the vanilla follower system of Skyrim? I use UFO but for some reason I cant get anybody to follow me, so I have disabled UFO but some followers act as if they are accopaning me but go about thier normal routines.


I accidently activated a TGC based mod so I guess that screwed things up?


Is my save corrupted? if so, Its numbered 118, where, if at all are the previous saves located? I usually overwite anysave but I suppose there is a hidden folder that contains these?

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I think I have a similar problem with my companions, they all just up and left one day. Marching off into the distance as I tagged along trying to get them all back. Jenassa still follows me but all the others are walking their own path now, though they still behave like their my companions when I talk to them. Maybe it was the 1.7 patch? Maybe I typed something strange into the console ages ago? Was it something I said? I'm not sure... I've got a lot of mods running atm but I'm not sure what a TGC mod is. I'll try and shuffle some load orders some more and see if that helps, though it all started just after steam updated my Skyrim... If I accedently fix it I'll come back and let you know... Till' then I'll be wandering the wilderness following my followers. :ermm:
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  • 3 weeks later...

Been looking around for a fix to this problem, and dabbling around here on the forums I've found it, if sort of unanswered.



Having the same problem as the above is, I'm using UFO and having my followers hang out at my house in relaxed mode, trying to set myself up with a big old house party for whenever I need to get a certian follower, as well as having a follower or two with me.


Now I've a number of Companion mods about, and everything usualy works quite fine, but I got several followers out, and we went and killed a Dragon Priest and Dragon duo on that rock who's name I don't care to remember, after the fight I saved and turned it off. I come back and all my followers just walk away, straight to there base locations, acting like followers in everything but actually following me, anywhere, they just do what they want. So I lost Lydia and Janassa, annoying but hey.


Despite what save I open up, they're always just walking away from me! If they're resting at me house, right behind me, or what say you, as long as they're followers they just stop following.


Now I somehow got Lydia to work agian, but I jump on today, and she stops following agian. I think it has something to do with me turning on new mods while I have followers, which I'm only guessing at.


So um, help?

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I had a problem last night and don't know if it was from UFO, but I think so.


I had 3 followers when I was arrested and sent to the Silver Mine plot. The followers did not come with me to jail, and when




We broke out of the mine, I thought they were all there waiting for me, but after the battle in Markarth, 2 of them were suddenly dead, leaving only my newest follower. I'm not sure how they died. Is there a quick key command to resurrect them?

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