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FPS plummet


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I just got done redownloading skyrim and putting all my mods back on through nexus, I start the game and everything loads but as soon as the smoke and everything loads in on the main screen it dips from my normal framerate to 8 fps, now im updating my driver and such but I never had this problem with this driver before and im almost positive its not the mods


So does anyone have any solution?

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I'd be interested in hearing what you found out. I'm on a new HP Pavilion desktop win7 / 64 bit with a 6 core 3.2 gig processor and an AMD 7450 factory installed graphics card and 10gig of RAM. My system is only about 4 months old and has run its regular updates. And i'm getting some pretty crappy preformance considering that skyrim is a new game, and my system can run HD movies without issue.


~ Lazlo ~

Edited by lazloarcadia
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