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is it possible to make a Kill counter?


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I am trying to create a Diablo 2 style mod for oblivion, and one thing i hope to be able to do is to have players level up from getting a certain number of kills as opposed to leveling up skills.


My skills at scripting are pretty basic, and i do not know how to go about making something such as this (if it is even possible).


>for starters, is it possible to have oblivion keep track of kills?


-->then, is it possible to have oblivion keep track of kills of different creatures? (i.e. player has killed 20 goblins and 15 zombies)


---->then, assign different point values to different kinds of creatures, and show the level up screen when the collective points is greater then or equal to the amount required to level up? (i.e. killing goblins gets 1 xp, a zombie gets 2 xp, etc)


I might not need a kill counter to do what i am trying here; but if there is another way, i can't think of it. If you can envision a different way of leveling up via kills instead of skills, your thoughts would be greatly appreciated.


I will, of course, give huge credit to whoever can help with this problem.



note: i am assuming that a kill counter will require scripting work, i have not seen an option anywhere in the construction set that does it. if there is one, please let me know.

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There is the in-game kill counter(creatures/people killed), but it doesn't have any additional info about the kills like what type of creature you had killed. The exact creature type which you spoke of would be necessary, so that this type of levelling system couldn't be abused.(For example killing deers... Isn't such a big deal in my opinion, but some people would/will whine if it could be abused in this way. Who in their right mind would spend hours running around killing deers apart from the RP:ers playing a hunter.) Other than that, it should be possible for someone who knows what he's doing, my own scripting skills are very limited though, so I couldn't give any real assistance with it.
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I'm not a great scripter either, only getting my feet wet in it right now, but I do know that the Dawn/duskfang weapons from SI use a killcounter script of sorts, you might want to take a look at that and see how it's done.
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It should be possible, if you made it one GIANT quest.


Add a long variable to the start one for each creature

Add another long variable to the start (creatures killed)

Then put in a command that adds one to the creatures killed variable each time you do it. (something like "if player.kill ******* +1 to ****(the variable)) can you do that?

Each creature adds a certain amount to "creatures killed" +1 for a rat, +12 for a minotaur etc

When creatures killed reaches a certain level then force a level up on the player.


in essence, USE variables.

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That actually sounds like it'd work, however you'd have to do it separately for each and every damn creature/npc in the game, even if it's just copy/paste when the script starts working, the task won't be a fun one, also it wouldn't work with custom creatures/NPC's if made this way. On the other hand if the kill tracking and exp gained would be based on the level and attribute tracking of the target, it'd make the script universal, but could be very heavy to run. The best solution could be to make a global kill tracker that gives a certain amount of exp/kill and adding exception list to the script for deers and other too-easy-to-kill targets.
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alrighty, well...


alot of that went straight over my head.


dont get me wrong; i read all of it at least once. but when i said my ability at scripting is basic, i meant to basic to the tenth power: i can do uber-simple things like add items to inventory, and cause effects when an object is used. anything more then that, even when given an outline, i can't really do much with. (actually, outlining code and stuff like that i can do very well, i just don't know any language or scripts well enough to actually do the things i dream up).


here's what i did catch out of your collective responses


i have no problem putting in the time to assigning point values to every single creature (thats what i intended do to anyways). i was going to do this not because people would kill easy stuff like dear for easy level ups, but because like anyone who has player a hack and slash game can tell you, different monsters all get you different amounts of XP.


one thing that i saw that would be a problem, is that if done a certain way, it can't work with custom NPC's. That would be a huge problem, because i am going to be using all custom NPC's.


as for the possibility of the script being a huge load...well there is no way for me to say this other then blankly: My mod will probably NOT be usable with other mods. I will be changing lots and lots and lots of things most likely. This means that there probably won't be lots of complex extra scripts running at the same time.

(note: of course small tiny mods would probably not cause problems, but small tiny mods don't heavily use scripts or anything)


finally, i will try and outline the way i would imagine doing this. please take note, i do not know the limits of oblivion scripts, so some parts might not be do-able.



Var1:(total player xp)

Var2:(player level; will be used to determine amount of xp required for next)

Var3,4,...x:(variables assigning xp values to different creatures)


-->set Var2 to player level+player level*13 (set req. level for level up; note: this is just an idea, not necessarily the exact formula id use)


-->set xp values for all the creature variables (i.e. Var3 goblins = 2xp, Var4 rats = 1xp, etc)


-->Player kills a creature-->find out creature type, add VarX to Var1 (where VarX is the creature that was killed)


-->compare Var1 and Var2; if 1 >= 2, show level up screen and increase stats accordingly



I wouldn't know how to get this to run at the appropriate moment, or how to get the creature type, or tell when the player has killed something...and on and on.


i know thats pretty similair to what he posted there, but thats how i would think of doing it.


i hate asking people to give me things, but i really could use a skilled scripter to actually write this for me. I just do not have the ability to do it myself :mellow:

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I, for one, would find such an item useful, if it was bashed patch mergeable that is.


I can't recall which one it is, but I DO recall there is one mod that has a kill counter built into a weapon the mod contains that records how many of what type creatures you've killed with it.


I don't know if this will help finding that mod, but it's an overpowered weapon. Whenever I get these types, I remove the mod and forget it exists. Some just don't say how powerful the weapon is when you DL them.


However, after removing the mod, the kill counter stayed, so it's a separate part of that mod. It didn't record anything else since it was tied to that specific weapon.


I'm wanting to think it was a weapon/quest mod. I rarely if ever download weapons/armor mods unless visibly moved to do so or it adds more variety among existing weapons or adds something I feel deserved to be in there, like crossbows, polearms, etc.

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I can't recall which one it is, but I DO recall there is one mod that has a kill counter built into a weapon the mod contains that records how many of what type creatures you've killed with it.




Mehruns Razor tracks how many souls youve taken (ie a kill counter)

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