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Mouse/Cursor Issues


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Alright guys - I finally picked skyrim up after a break and got my mods installed as needed. I am using the SKYUI interface. Now, before I have had no trouble with this. I updated to 1.6.89? I believe that's what it is - I'm using the script extender. In game I can use my right click fine. I can attack with both left and right, but when I hit TAB to open my menu - If I hover over anything it will not light up. I am forced to use my cursor keys. Once in a menu, I can hover over items and 'select' them, but only with my right click. For instance I can equip a sword to my off hand but my main hand (main click) does not register.


I've seen that this is a known issue, but is there a way to address this? I'm pretty frustrated at this point. I'm stuck to having my character use their right hand for absolutely nothing other than punching people.


Edit : Just went back and deactivated the SKYUI setup - When you hit TAB to open and select Items,Magic,etc - None of those function in relation to the mouse. I MUST use cursor keys.

Edited by XiKeiyaZi
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