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Professional writer offering assistance for mod designers


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I have a bit of free time, so I'm offering my skills as a writer to mod designers in need. I can do prose, news & feature writing, and technical specs, and can edit for spelling and grammar (UK/Canadian English) in Canadian Press style. I was an administrator in the 90s for what was, at the time, one of the largest MUDs on the Internet, so I have experience with atmosphere, game balance, and the logical necessities involved in writing C-style object-oriented code for a game. My professional work as a writer has mostly been fetish erotica, but I have also been published as a Mythos horror writer. My style tends to be rather purple and pulpy, so don't expect Flaubert; I'm happy if I can measure up to Lovecraft and Howard.


Part of the reason why I'm offering my skills is out of annoyance with several mod designers who believe their deathless prose is so perfect that friendly suggestions for improving descriptions, documentation, or NPC dialogue options results in monocle-popping dudgeon and disbelief. Folks, your My Little Pony fanfics may be very well received, but it doesn't make you a professional-level writer. Let me help.

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If I continue posting on the Nexus, I think I'm very likely to get banned. I won't be participating any more in the Nexus fora, so if you need to talk to me about a project with which you need assistance, I recommend you send me some email at: S m a s h T h e S t a t e @ S y m p a t i c o . c a (spaces added to thwart spambots).
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If I continue posting on the Nexus, I think I'm very likely to get banned. I won't be participating any more in the Nexus fora, so if you need to talk to me about a project with which you need assistance, I recommend you send me some email at: S m a s h T h e S t a t e @ S y m p a t i c o . c a (spaces added to thwart spambots).


I don't know if I'm missing something but... Why would you get banned? I haven't seen you say anything that would justify it.

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