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How about a replay mod

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Guest deleted1497950
I like playing in 1st person, but I also enjoy games cinematically sometimes, as if viewing the action as a movie. I know the command animcam works to view the game in this way sometimes, but it doesn't work great as the control of the player is severely limited. I liked some of the old Bond games and even gta that let you play from a 360 degree view of your player in 3rd person, cinematically, and there may be some mods out there that allow that, but what I really think would be awesome would be to be able to play in 1st person, but then go back and replay the action at some of the cool parts in a replay and being able to control the camera or else view the action from a 360 degree 3rd person point of view. I know some of the games in the driver series did this. How possible and technically difficult would a mod like that be to make? Edited by 2chi2
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