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Small Favor...


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Ok. I'm Having a small problem here. I set up an NPC so that if you have his Journal in your inventory he will greet you by taking it away and asking you to do him a "Small Favor". When the topic Small Favor is clicked the topic says the first neccessary thing but then it dissapears entirely therefore not letting the quest be completed. Here are the dialouge entries, as well as the function/variables i used.


Greeting 1: (Said if Player has NPC's Journal in Inventory)


"Hey! Thats my Journal, What kinda man goes prying into someone's life. You have no right. Now that you know my whole history, why don't ya do me a 'small favor'."



Function/Variable: Item _bordsjournal = 1



player->removeitem "_bordsjournal" 1

additem _bordsjournal 1

addtopic "small favor"



SMALL FAVOR (In the order I have them in TESCS)


(1st: Should be said once Player has obtained Jara's Brew for Bord)


You got the brew! Thank the heavens, I was starting to sober up. This is the finest liquer in all of Heradith. %PCName, this is the sword that the Orc general stabbed into my body. My whole family was killed in that battle. I lost many friends in the Gurkin Wars as well. I will never forget the people I lost, and yes, I will drink away the pain for as long as I must. I have no need of this sword. Take it, use it to do good my friend, the general still lives you know. He fled from Dom Tashia like a coward.



Function/Variable: Journal A0_2_JARASBREW = 0

Item _JARASBREW >= 1



Journal "A0_2_JARASBREW" 2

player->removeitem "_jarasbrew" 1

player->additem "_danons_sword" 1

set bordvar to 1




(2nd: Should be said the first time Small Favor is clicked, and it does say this)


I want you to get me some of Jara's Brew. I can't go out searchin' for the ingrediants he wants. I'm to old, and i'm certainly to drunk. Listen, If you do it for me, I'll give you something that you'll definately like. Just come talk to me when you get your hands on that brew will ya.



Function/Variable: Journal A0_2_JARASBREW = 0



Journal "A0_2_JARASBREW" 1




(3rd: Should be said once the player has completed the quest and clicks small favor)


*Stumbles* Wha... What favor ya talkin' bout there mister... Ummm... mister... who are you again?.



Function/Variable: Local bordvar = 1





The first time small favor is clicked it does say the 2nd entry and does update my journal, but afterward, Small Favor topic dissapears from the NPC's topic list, therefore preventing him from saying the first entry, and stoping him from ever saying the thrid entry, ruining the quest entirely. So, Could someone please tell me what i'm doing wrong.....

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Yes, I have Journal A0_2_JARASBREW = 0 for both the ones that update my journal, and the topic where the NPC tells the PC about what he wants displays just fine like it should, but After it displays the topic "Small Favor" dissapears all together from his topics list. So there is no way that he will check to see if I have the brew in my inventory because the topic gets closed off.
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...The topic gets closed off because no responses are avaliable. You've specified that in order for the second response (chronologically) to be displayed, there must be no journal entry for your quest. However, you made a journal entry in the first response (again, in chronological order -- in the order listed, this is the second response and vice versa).


Change that "Journal A0_2_JARASBREW = 0" to "Journal A0_2_JARASBREW = 1" in the response that doesn't show. This should fix the problem. Also, just to tidy up, run a little spellcheck through your dialog and fix that redundant AddTopic command.


That bordvar thing is also taking up valuable real estate. Just have that function taken care of by the existing journal system, unless you want that response to only display once, in which case you must set bordvar false again in the results box of the stumbling incident.

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