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Fallout 3 on Two Monitors

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Does anyone know how to adjust thesetting in “Fallout 3” for two monitors?


All software settings have beenadjusted to view two monitors as one.


When I start the game it splits thescreen back to two and mirrors the game.


There does not seem to be much info onthis.




Video card – (Diamond) ATI Radeon5770 HD, 1GB of GDDR5 Memory


Monitors – Two 19” Dells, 1908FP,and a 1907FP @ 75 Hz


Software – Catalyst Control Center(v12.6) (2012.0611.1251.21046)


Driver Packaging version(8.98-120611a-142035-ATI)


updated w/ latest drivers2D( 3D(


(Eyefinity) Monitors duplicatedto one large screen (group created),


not using Bezel Compensation


Current Resolution: 2560 x 1024@ 75 Hz




Have reloaded the game from scratch inorder to determine whether it is a game or software issue.


It is not a software problem, this is agame setting.


Just for the record when I start thegame from the FalloutLauncher.exe and go to Options,


there is no option for multiplyscreens.


Just: Graphics Adapter


Aspect Ratio






Anisotropic Filtering





Thank you in advance of any possible help.



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Try launching it in Windowed Mode. I can't remember if there was a client ever made like there was in F:NV where it launched in a Windowed-Borderless Mode.
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Thanks, but I've tried that. It just adjusts to the resolution that is available in the settings. In my case that is 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, 1152x864, and 1280x960 with ratios of 4:3, 5:4, 16:9, 16:10 in the FOMM. And the same ratios with the addition of 1280x1024 when the FalloutLauncher.exe is used.

So that it is on one screen and in some cases depending on resolution set, extends off the screen and is not visible.

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I assume that resolution of both monitors is 1280 X 1024, correct?


And even if its not, as long as both monitors have the same vertical resolution, then what you could try is manually setting the resolution using FalloutPrefs.ini in My Documents/My Games/Fallout3; make a copy of the original. It should look some thing like this:


iSize W=x
iSize H=x

X being the number of pixels it will display on either axis. W is the width, H is the Height of each.

Note: this will only theoritically work if you have the second monitor as an extension, not a copy.


Before I got this mod, I manually set the resolution for my monitor for different reasons using that .ini file.


That's the best help I can give you.

Hope it works!

Edited by ChuckFinly
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