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Still furniture problems


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well if i want to craft something, enchant or just sit on a chair, nothing happen...

The cam flies behind me and my pc will freeze for 2 seconds and no animation comes. and no craft, enchant or tanning menu.

because this things are all idles, i delete everything that adds idles, alter idles and skeleton stuff.

after that, i start the game and try to craft again. well my char was in an static pose but when i draw my weapon and wield it the sound comes. but not the sound of the tanning rack or the workbench.

so deleting all of this did not help.

reinstalled everything and all of the animations like run, casting and other combat motions worked again. but not crafting and other furniture anims.

but im sure its nod a mod problem.

with some of my chars i had over 100 hours no such issue.

and i was able to load an earlyer savegame and the problem disapears.

this problems never comes with a new char or when i played less than 30 houres

but this time i just have the option to create a new char, or playing without any chance to craft something


pleas help.

its the 139875913 char i have to create because of that problem

can i add something in the CK that helps? or add some lines in a text?

please dovahkins! help me XD

Edited by OrcVakarian
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