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Mafia Mod


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Just think it, a mod where you can join to mafia and do jobs with them.


-Blackmail merchants.


-Hire mafia brothers and sisters to your "gang".


-Rise in the ranks of mafia from newbie to Godfather.


-Hire assasins to kill someone for you.



The story could be something like: Little Johnny brings you a letter while you are visiting at imperial city.

He only says "It's from Godfather", and then he's gone.


Letter says "I've been spying you for a while and I've seen that you are worthy to join at Cyrodiil Mafia.

If you want to join us, come to Emerald mansion just outside the imperial city.

See you there,



You will rank up after one quest, At every rank you will get some bonus, the ranks are:


Newbie - you may sleep at the mansion


Dog - You can access to every part of mansion exept the Godfathers suite.


Gangst - You can Hire people from Family


Blackheart - You can blackmail merchands with your gang, But if the merchands wont fear you enoght they call guards or start fighting back, The fear depents on your in famy.


Real Deal - You can Hire hitman's/ assasins to kill someone for 300 gold.


Hitman - You will get a gift from Godfather it is a crossbow named Cleaner.


Deathbringer - Bride legion guards to put someone in jail.


Godfather - You will get as godfather after you have staged the death of the old Godfather. You get the suit of godfather gives speechcraft 40 merchandise 35 and personality 40.


If someone wants to do this, use your imagination for quest's and mansion.



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It wouldn't hurt if it was a medieval themed mafia. The Mafia is a crime organization, right? What the hell is the Thieves Guild?


Don't think I'm judging. My wife had to point that out to me as I too was against it. If the organization didn't have modern weapons, I'm against all guns in Oblivion except middle ages types, then it would be fine.


perhaps the mafia can be using the old protection racket against merchants and vendors..pay up or something bad'll happen to you. The thieves, muggers, bandits, etal might have to pay a portion of their illgotten gains just to operate.


Bootlegging Skooma could be another aspect. I don't foresee a Falstead Act prohibiting alcohol in Oblivion however, so this might not work.


IF mafia is a too modern sounding term, La Cosa Nostra would be a good alternative.


Street gambling using dice or cards would be ok, as long as it isn't the modern versions of poker or craps.


What goes clip-clop, clip-clop, bang, bang, clip-clop, clip-clop?


An Amish driveby.

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In Morrowind there were other criminal organisations besides the Thieves Guild. One of them was culturally exclusive, the Camonna Tong. Very powerful elitist organisation, much stronger than the Imperialist thieves guild (in Morrowind anyway, in Cyrodiil of course it would be a different story.) They were very conservative and resentful of foreigners. Their "godfather" so to speak, was Orvas Dren, the younger brother of Duke Vedam Dren.


I think a competition syndicate would be great. What I am against is having any ties to the real world italian 'mafia'. I just think it would be better to create a whole new crime family and leave the cosa nostra stuff in other games.

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Odd story here

I have Crowded Roads right?

Well i was walking along and i see a warrior in Pit armor

I go up and it says he is a Camonna Tong Thug




I was like O-o "I thought it was Morag Tong"


The Morag Tong is the imperial sanctioned assassins guild. Kind of like an order of bounty hunters. They actually have very little connection to the Camonna Tong. They were the original assassins guild, the Dark Brotherhood is a rebellious offshoot of the Morag Tong.


Whereas the DB will kill -anyone- for a price (basically murderers for hire) the Morag Tong only take out legally sanctioned "hits"


However, there are rumours of so called "grey" writs, where the Morag Tong has chosen to act outside of its usual sphere of honour.

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This seems like it would be an awesome mod, I was sorta thinking of the idea after watching gungrave, just cause I wanted to be a sweeper and go after those who broke the "Code of Iron" (basically it means "never betray") also could go after super powered undead too. But yeah, the whole idea of an medieval mafia is neat.
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