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killmove knockback causing enemy invinsibility


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I managed to solve this problem by making a modified version of VoicePushEffectScript for use with weapons. Whilst you can just edit the vanilla VoicePushEffectScript, I recommend backing up the original VoicePushEffectScript.psc first.


You'll need to add a condition whereby if the target is in a killmove the knockback won't trigger.


Scriptname VoicePushEffectScript extends ActiveMagicEffect  

Event OnEffectStart(actor Target, actor Caster)
if target.isinkillmove() == 0 
Caster.PushActorAway(Target, PushForce)

Int Property PushForce  Auto  


EDIT: I've just uploaded a custom script as a modders resource. Simply replace the vanilla script with this one in the CK.

Edited by OminousVoice
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