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What triggers quest MIN02 Taking Independence ?

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I am trying to track down the trigger for:


Quest MIN02 Taking independence Stage 20 "Started Intro Scene" which enables scene Min02PrestonIntro (Condition GetStageDone quest MIN02 20) which moves the quest forward.


MinutemenCentralQuest.SetProgress() starts MIN02 which fires "run on start" Stage 10 which runs min02script.InitializeQuest()


After that I cant find anything in the MIN02 use info list that triggers stage 20. Having wrapped most of the main and faction quest scripts, this is my first frustrating failure.


Anyone help with some CK digging ?


EDIT: awesome prize award for the solution !!!

Edited by SKK50
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In the quest Min02, there's a "Player Dialogue" topic called "Min02SharedTopic" which sets the stage 20 on begin, which is used at quests from MinRecruit00 to MinRecruit09, in the scene called MinRecruiut0xPrestonOutro, at Phase 3.


Edit: Actually the Phase is the last of the scene, not always the third.

Edited by DieFeM
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Appreciated !


So that line is not a generic hello/greeting it is only offered as part of a radiant recruitment quest. If none are being done it will never be offered, just like updating the MinutemenOwnedSettlements counter. Which is why owned settlements frustratingly never line up with faction progress. And why I totally dislike scene driven event triggers.


Give me the fishing rod and tell me how you found that so quick. I'm looking at MIn02SharedTopic but the Use Report just loops back on itself.


EDIT: Oops I forgot the prize ... a cut of the DP or something :wink:

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I knew it was starting after ending a settlement recruitment quest, so I've look at the scenes and noticed there was one of the available topic responses at the end of PrestonOutro that had prepended (Min02) on it named Min02SharedTopic, so I look in to it and found it was changing the parent quest stage to 20, so I've used "find" to search for Min02SharedTopic and double click it to know where it actually is, which turned to be in the Player Dialogue tab.


Not actually that quick, it took me a while, but I found it because I've played the game so many times that I had an idea on where to look at.

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Thanks understood.


I was hoping the answer would be something like a cunning extraction list of all the base game dialogue/scene actions so one can just search on a quest and see if anything is calling scripts or setting stages. But, I have also been hoping for a pony every birthday, and that still hasn't turned up.

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About the prize, being able to help is enough rewarding for me. I'm aware that you know what I mean, since I see you answering a lot of posts here in the forum.

Edited by DieFeM
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