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Glossiness nifskope shiny effect disappears on equip/unequip armor


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Hello, i've been using nifskope glossiness body effect for years and today it just stopped working, so basically after i load game everything is fine, there is shiny effect and then whenever i equip or unequip armor it disappear and body is mat, and when i enter racemenu - shiny effect is back and then again disappear when i equip armor. I didnt install any mod today only changing some ENB stuff and graphics settings but im pretty sure i revert it i even removed enb to make sure thats not the problem.


-Tried to disable every mod.

-Same problem on new game.

-reinstalled whole skyrim


Any idea what might cause it? Thanks!

Edited by jappa1234
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Bump and some pics with exactly what im talking about:



And then after equip outfit:



I feel like i've tried everything:

Reinstalled Skyrim

Tried without enb

Tried without mods just cbbe with gloss effect

New ini's

Update graphics drivers

I'm starting to think it's not skyrim problem i mean there might be something wrong with my system and because of that i have this problem, it doesn't make sense but once after windows update my skyrim wont even start so everything is possible.


I found this, exactly same problem but no solution:



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The equipped armour comes with its own body mesh, so you'll have to add glossiness to the armour's body mesh in Nifscope to get the same effect.


Happy modding.


I know that i always edit naked body and "armor body" but now its stopped working when i load game with armor equipped shiny/wet effect is working with armor and then disappear when unequipping armor.


Anyway i found out what is the problem it's nioverride.dll from racemenu its kinda important plugin so i need to find it's happening.

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