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The Killing Floor Updated Again


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The Killing Floor has recieved another update, adding new graphical effects and even more guns. I'm posting this because you actually need to start the game to get the update, so many people may not know because it's not downloaded automatically as soon as Steam goes online (and because I'm excited about this update). The update adds HDR Bloom and Motion Blur, both of which can be turned on or off in the graphics options. Apparently the game now also has improved performance if you leave the new graphical effects off. Note that the game must be restarted to see the effects when you first turn them on. It also adds new weapons based on the most popular mods, including a new high-grade medic gun (bringing the total number of medic guns to 3), a new shotgun, pistol, and more.


For anyone who doesn't know what the Killing Floor is, it's a zombie-esque cooperative horde survival game focused around multiplayer. It's extremely active, with many vanilla and modded maps active at all times. If you're on the ropes about buying it, I'd say go for it. The devs are always adding new things and holding seasonal events, and matches range from 6 player vanilla games, to 64+ player modded games. I got into one with nearly 128 players once, but it lagged massively ofc. My ping was 500+ at times at that one, and normally it's at 30-90. The hundreds of enemies on screen in that match didn't help either, I imagine. The 32 and 64 player ones are usually fine as long as you have a decent internet connection and a moderately powerful graphics card (the host had better also be running a dedicated server, lol). My 460 is fine with modded 32 player matches at a smooth 60 on ultra at 1080p (with an occasional drop to ~55 in crowded areas), but in the 64+ player matches I drop consistently into the 30-40 fps range.


Anyway, that's the update. The HDR Bloom looks great imo, and seems to add many nice effects.

Edited by Rennn
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i was gonna get during a steam sell but did as i thought it was like left4dead 4 player co-op. didnt know it had maps with a lot of players.


By default, it has 6 player co-op. It's not as polished as Left 4 Dead, but the maps are open, not linear. You kill a certain amount of enemies each round (more each round, with tougher enemies each round), and you get cash for each enemy you kill. At the end of each round, a fortified trader opens up shop somewhere, and you can buy better gear. Matches are typically ten rounds. At the end of all ten rounds, an ultra-tough Patriarch enters the map and the team tries to take down the boss. There are many difficulties- Beginner is just flat out easy. Suicidal is, well . . . really, really suicidal.


There are tons of mods for it- there are so many modded maps, I've played for 300 hours and I'm still seeing new ones on occasion. Some modded maps include modded guns, enemies, and skins. There are also modded game modes that function differently than simple round defense. No mod installation is required, because all mods needed for a match are automatically downloaded and installed before the map loads. It's easy, but it can be quite lengthy if the host is using a lot of mods. Some modded maps can get up to 200 players, but you need a very strong pc to run those. With my AMD 6770, I can run the game on ultra smoothly in maps up to about 20 people. After that, I start getting lag.


There are several classes, and as you level up, your stats with certain weapons types improve, and costs on certain weapons decrease. However, you lose your gear at the end of each round.

There are a lot of skins to choose from, but most of them are dlc. If you bought a new copy of Red Orchestra 2, you get 2 free WWII era skins for the killing floor. I use the russian skin. It is awesome.


Graphically, the game wasn't impressive, (not awful, but not very good.)However, the new hdr lighting makes it look quite a bit better.

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i was gonna get during a steam sell but did as i thought it was like left4dead 4 player co-op. didnt know it had maps with a lot of players.


There are tons of mods for it- there are so many modded maps, I've played for 300 hours and I'm still seeing new ones on occasion. Some modded maps include modded guns, enemies, and skins. There are also modded game modes that function differently than simple round defense. No mod installation is required, because all mods needed for a match are automatically downloaded and installed before the map loads. It's easy, but it can be quite lengthy if the host is using a lot of mods. Some modded maps can get up to 200 players, but you need a very strong pc to run those. With my AMD 6770, I can run the game on ultra smoothly in maps up to about 20 people. After that, I start getting lag.


It's like the holidays; almost every time you start the game you have new modded maps to choose from. Some are awful, some are amazing. Most are somewhere in between; around vanilla quality. Some are more popular than others, especially for modded matches. Arcade-Gas Station has had various 32 player matches going almost nonstop for months.

Edited by Rennn
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