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[LE] Skyrim Custom Dialog Bugs


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I recently worked on porting a mod with a few custom dialogues from Skyrim (Not special edition) to Enderal.


After resolving a bunch of conflicts, I found that all the script fragments are not working properly, so I recompiled them. After that, my entire dialog tree went haywire. Let's say the tree looks like this:








with A being the top-level and B and D being children. One issue I had was B suddenly becoming top-level for no reason. I got around this by changing C's conditions in some meaningless manner


Another problem I started having is that when a fresh save is loaded, none of the dialogs would show despite the quest is already running (I checked with print statements). The only way I could get around this is by save and reloading.


I don't remember seeing this glitch before, although I now see there were threads from 7 years ago about some dialog bug. I wonder if ti's the same issue. In any case, are there modern methods to fix tese glitches?

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